perfect day

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*Thalias POV *
Me and Zach decided to go to the cinema and watch the greatest showman and then depending on the weather we would sleep under the stars in the tree house.
Zach has literally made me feel so much happier these past few days, I'm so thankful.
I woke up 30 minutes earlier than we all usually did so I could make everyone pancakes.
I not to work making the food and messaged everyone to tell them what I'd done and less than a minute later six hungry faces sat around a table i laughed and served the steamy fresh food "bon appetite" I laughed.

Within minutes the plated were clear and Jonah offered to help me wash up while the other went and got ready for the day.

We got into the kitchen and when realized Jonah's eyes were red and puffy and he looked like he had hardly slept.

"Jonah, what's up bud?" I asked hugging him.

"Oh what nothing" he replied

"Jonah you cant lie to me, I can see it in your eyes" I tried to comfort him.

"Okay, your right i cant lie to you but please dont tell anyone okay ?" He said as another tear escaped his eye.

"I promise" I said holding my hand to my heart

I lead him to the living room and we sat on the couch.

"What's happened" I asked

"Well do you remember how I told you all about me and Brendan?" He asked, his face turning wet with tears

"Yeah what happened?" I asked handing him a tissue

"Well he started acting like a jerk, he would yell at me for no reason and say the most horrible things to me and he...he" Jonah broke down In tears. I gave him a huge hug and told him everything was going to be fine.
"Are you okay bud?" I asked
"Yeah, so um he, well I broke up with him after all that and I found out he..." He took a deep breath "he cheated on me, its a shame though I really did love him...a lot" he said holding his head up high.
"I'm proud of you Jonah," I said "you did the right thing" I smiled

"Thanks, Thas I really appreciate you for always being here for me, I owe you a lot" he beamed.

"You should tell the other boys" I suggested

"You're right, thanks again Thalia," he said as we stood up and hugged for a minute or two and then we walked to the door and I ran up to get ready for another amazing day with Zach.

*Time skip*

We walked out of the cinema and we went to target to get some blankets and food for the amazing night we had planned.

We got to the store and goofed around for about an hour before we left to go to the clearing.
"Hey Zach, guess what," I said
"What ?" He smirked
"I love you" I giggled
"Guess what" he replied
"What ?" I grinned
"I love you more" we both blushed
"Not possible" I argued jokingly hitting his arm.
We spent the rest of the rest of the journey using cheesy pickup lines and laughing at how cliché we sounded.

We got out of the car and took all the stuff the place that I love so much especially the fact that its mine and Zach's place.

We ley out the blankets and sat on top of them telling jokes and having more fun than I have had in a long time, Zach brought his laptop and a portable charger for it so we watched some Youtube and then lay on our backs and gazes up at the beautiful stary clear night sky.
Zach started singing and I joined in we sang together and had a good time.

I close my eyes and I can see
The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design

'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say we've lost our minds
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy
Run away to a world that we design

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you'll bring me along
To the world you see
To the world I close my eyes to see
I close my eyes to see

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

For the world we're gonna make.

We finished then laughed saying how the song could have been written for us in this moment, we ley sleepily pointing out constellations until we drifted off to a slumber.

*Corbyns POV*
Almost everything was done its only a few things left that we need to sort out, I found out her mum is busy and cant come, which is a shame but we will have way more fun just the 7 of us, me the boys Maja and Heidi.
Heidi is arriving tomorrow at about 10 am.
Jack has all the stuff he needed.
Daniel and Jonah have done an amazing job of redecorating the place looks amazing.
Everything was perfectly in place to make Thalia have the best week ever.
And she is able to compete in Faison week too which starts next week.
Her and Maja have been practicing at every moment they get.
This should be the best two weeks for us all I can wait.

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