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*Maja's pov*
"Your, your alive" I said my voice shaking with every word

"I mean, yeah, I guess I am" she smiled weakly

"I'm so so glad your okay" I said as a tear slid down my cheek

"Yeah" she sighed

"If I hadn't come home to surprise you, who knows what could have happened" I said grabbing hold of her pale palm.

"Thanks, I guess, for you know coming to surprise me" she smiled from the corner of her mouth.

"Can we talk about this, maybe not now but soon?" I asked

"I mean maybe" she sighed "wait did you tell the boys?"

"No, I didn't, they are performing in a couple hours and I couldn't bring myself to it" I spoke softly "but I can if you want me to"

"I'd prefer them not to know, I mean I just don't want them to, is that okay, should I tell them?" She rushed

"Only if you want to" I smiled "and if you do I'll be standing right beside you" I squeezed her hand

"Thanks you Maja, I love you" she learnt over to hug me.

The doctors want to keep her in overnight to get her bloods done and monitor her and stuff like that and I refused to leave her side until she was home and safe.

*skip to Morning*

Me and Thalia are getting ready for her to come home, it's about 12:30 now and we're going to go get some lunch on the way home.

We went to MacDonalds and as we sat with our food I spoke softly and said "can we talk about what happened?" She nodded slightly and walked me through everything she did that day, I felt so bad that she had to go through this.
By the time she had finished we were both crying
"Promise me something?" I ask
She nodded
"Please never do this again" I grabbed both her hands and looked into her eyes.
"I promise" she replied

"And if you ever feel like this again, call me straight away, please?" I said

"I promise I will, I'm sorry again. You are the best friend I could ever ask for"

We went back home and I decided that I would go in the morning instead, I spent hours trying to convince Thals to come with me but she has a recording session tomorrow so she can't, which sucks because I won't see her for another 3 months.

I miss her like crazy ever day, but it's as if the boys don't even remember her, I said her name the other day and zach walked off.
What is his deal?

Anyways, Thalia's album is due out next week and I'm so excited, I'm the only person she has told about the release date and I'm so excited, I can't wait till she starts touring and selling out venues, that will be an amazing day.

"I'm excited for you girli" I smiled

"I just hope they all like it" she looked over at me.

"They will all love it, I can feel it" I grinned back at her

And with that note we went up and changed into our pjs and got into bed, I hope she's going to be okay here.
I made a promise to myself that I would FaceTime her every opportunity I possibly get and stay connected to her.
I'm going to miss my best friend again.

*Thalia's Pov*
We woke up the next morning, still a little shaken.
But I'm trying to get that out of my head.
As if it never happened.
I made me and Maja some Chco-chip pancakes before I hopped in an Uber with her to the airport.
"I'm going to miss you" I hugged her tight

"I'm going to miss you more" she replied

"See you soon" I smiled as I waved her through the terminal gate.

"BYEEE!" She yelled

"BYEEE" I yelled back

It's now 11:48 and I have an hour and a bit before the final recording for my ep this song called so much more than this I can't wait to record.

I arrive at the studio to see a smiley looking Noah
"Hey, you exited?" He questioned

"More than exited" I smiled

I went into the booth and Waited for the beet, here goes,

Sit right here, chillin', level low
Close your eyes and just let it flow
Right next to me I hear your heart beat, beat
When the dial turns up and the music starts playing
We don't realize in this society
Doesn't matter how your hair looks or what they are thinking
Just, just what we are finding
Tap your foot and listen in
Ignore the world, let the music cave in
Close your phone and breathe in the air
You'll soon realize that there's something that is
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (hey)
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The whole crowd seems to like me now
'Cause I think I'm cool but back when I was in school
They found it very easy to hate me
Funny how always these times are changing
Back then it was so easy to shatter
But now in the end it doesn't really matter
Tap your foot and listen in
Ignore the world, let the music cave in
Close your phone and breathe in the air
You'll soon realize that there's something that is
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (hey)
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
All of the talk, and the talk from ya
Won't even matter when the lights come up
All of the talk, and the talk from ya, hey
Open your eyes and just wake up
Do all the things that will matter to ya
Open your eyes and just wake up, woah
Tap your foot and listen in
Ignore the world, let the music cave in
Close your phone and breathe in the air
You'll soon realize that there's something that is
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
You'll soon realize that there's something that is
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
So much more than this
It is what it is
So much more than this
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I wrote this one on a day where I felt so good and happy, a day when all was good, It was the day at Disney world.

When id don't talking to Noah and left the studio I remember something Connor had said, about Amelia!!!

I stopped dead in the street and found her Instagram and followed it, liked her pictures and messaged her too.

I hope makes her smile, I guess Ill have to wait and see.

I got in the Uber and when I was home had an amazing conversation with Amelia, I found out that she lives in England and I'm going to, if I ever, stop on tour there and meet her, giving her free tickets, but I didn't say this, just in case.

Amelia seems amazing, I hope we can actually be friends. :))

I got some tea and sat on my bed watching high school musical
"We're all in this together" I sleepily sang and with that note I was asleep.

The girl with a dream//why don't we { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now