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*Thalia's pov*

I lie awake staring at the scaling with all my past taking I've my body like a coma, how do I tell Jack?
I want him to be happy even if it's not with me I know Nicky she is using him an j can tell by that fake ass tone in her voice, and I headed he say one thing to him.

I look over at my phone and it 2:47 in th morning I'll sleep later on the bus I can't rich now besides it gives me an excuse to avoid Jack, I'd cry but I have no energy and if already wasted so much time on her. I just wish she wasn't here.

*Nicky's pov*
What the hell is SHE doing here, she's going to blow my cover I got to do something before she does.
How does that good for nothing brat even get here like she has absolutely zero talent all she can do is take orders because she is scared, well I bet she is still scared if me and I can use that to my advantage because I can't have her coming between me and my 'Jacky poo'

I never thought I would see that stupid twat ever again she is literally the most idiotic person alive and I feel almost sick that I had to look at her ugly face again and hear her singing I was gagging it's awful my ears were bleeding.

I hope she hasn't spoken to the others about what I did but to be honest it was only what she deserved and she deserves to die now, I'm so mad that she is here. I need to get rid of her. She needs to go.

*Zachs pov*
I can't believe that stupid idiot.
I knew that there was something off about her she just seems like such a fishy person, I'm going to help Thalia get her man back like are you kidding me? Jack and Thalia are made for each other and we all know it. Jack has been brain washed by he and I want my best friend back.

*Maja's pov*
It was about 9am and we all went to get in the bus, Thalia looked so tired so she went straight into her bunk so did zach maybe they didn't sleep well last night, I hope they are okay.

We stopped off at MacDonalds to get some food and we woke zach and Thalia up, zach came straight away but Thalia said she would catch us up. I think she's getting dressed. I offered to wait for her but she said she will only be a few minutes so she'll meet us in there.

I went and ordered what I have been craving since we started tour...PANCAKES!!

It's been so much fun touring with the boys I so want to do it again, and I know it's not over and stuff but I'm going to look into doing something for them on tour because it's so much fun, getting to be with my best friends every day, and especially my amazing boy friend who I'm so lucky to have ahh I love him so much.

*Thalia's Pov*
I didn't want to go out looking like a tramp in my pjs so I get changed into some comfy jeans and my hoodie and decided to put on some makeup

"Oh honey, no amount of makeup can make you look even remotely pretty" said a sickening voice from behind me

"What do you want Nicky?" I asked, I can't be bothered with her bullying anymore so I brush it off.

"Oh sweetie you know exactly what I want" she said

"Cut the small talk Nicky, what are you doing here?" I asked finishing applying my mascara

"Look, stay away from the boys, your a worthless little attention seeking brat, a choking cat can sing better than you" her words spitting venom into my veins

"Look Nicky I'm here to have fun with my friends" I said trying to sound unbothered by her words

"Oh didn't anyone tell you, they are only your friends because they feel sorry for you" she pouted I didn't know weather to believe her  or not "what's the matter cat got your tongue?" She laughed

"Listen Nicky stay out of my way I'm done with you" I stood tall

"Oh honey I was don't with you a long long time ago" she said backing me towards the wall of the  bus

"Leave me alone" I stuttered

"Aww this is just as easy as it used to be" she said punching me in the stomach then slapping me across the face and with that the door opened so she dropped to the floor and did an evil grin then started 'crying'

*jacks pov*
We were all getting kinda worried about Thalia as she has taken ages more than she said she would, i offered to go check on her and they all said I should, so I did.

I so walked into the bus I heard someone being hit and damn hard too, then I saw Thalia standing there over Nicky

"Thalia how could you?" I said running to Nicky's side
"It's okay baby, I'm here" I told her

"Get away from us all, leave this bus and leave my life" I jelled at her, causing her to cry grab her bag and run off the bus.

"It's okay baby she's gone now, I'm here it's all going to be fine" I rubbed her hand.

Why the hell would Thalia do that??

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