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*Jacks POV *
I ran down the stairs towards a cowering Thalia as my breathing became heavy she looked hurt, really hurt.
"Thalia its me , im not going to hurt you" i whispered softly
She spun round from where she was curled up in a corner, i didnt care how weak our relationship was i ran to her and held her tight and she held me as if there was no tomorrow, her face was wet with tears and her eyes twinkled with fear, her leg was red with blood and her arms black and blue with bruises.
The officers came down to talk to her the other boys ran in to see her.

She has a broken wrist and she has bruises and cuts all over her body, this guy better get what he deserves. Thalia stands up to walk but falls over i help her to walk up the stairs to the ambulance but she is weak, so I carry her, much to Zach's disgust he glared at me, I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head. Its not like he could have carried her up the stairs. I decide to ignore it, Thalia is safe and that's all that matters right now.

She gets taken to the hospital for a proper examination and Zach goes in the ambulance with her so me and the rest of the guys follow in the van.

If that guy ever gets out of prison I will murder him, what he did was so wrong, I'm going to talk to Thalia properly and find out what happened, but then again why would she even want to talk to me?
Shut up Jack, you and Thalia are friends, calm yourself, she does not hate you, maybe she does, stop this, she hates you, be positive.
My brain wouldn't let me chose what was right. I just want out.

*Thalias POV *
When the banging at the door started I thought it was Jorden, I thought he was going to come and hurt me again, when jack ran towards we all I wanted to do was cry, he hugged me and I couldn't get out any words out, I feel so bad. I tried to stand but I fell and jack imeadiatly ran to my side to help me, Zach just stood and watched and he started glaring at me and jack as he carried me bridal style up the stairs, what is his deal? It doesn't matter I've been saved, im out of there, I just...i just...dont know anymore. My mind Is foggy, it's messed up what he did to me while i was in that place. Im honestly still scared, scared that im still not safe.

Im in an ambulance with Zach by my side holding my hand and massaging the back of it
"Its going to be okay, im here now, your safe, I promise" he smiled
I nodded, not believing what he was saying one bit. I didnt feel safe.
I felt safe with jack, but that's to bad, we are just friends, im with Zach, he makes me happy, I love him.
That's it Thalia you keep telling yourself that, you love Zach, you love him.


Im in a room with a doctor and I have cuts and bruises all over my body and my wrist is now in a cast. All the boys are waiting in the other room, I hope they are okay.

*Daniels POV*
We sit in silence as we wait for news on Thalia. To be honest we are all really shaken about what happened. At least she is safe now.
Jack and Zach wont even look at each other, I saw the glare Zach gave him as he carried Thalia up the stairs, I felt the tension and I can feel it again now, Zach needs to get a grip and grow up a bit, Jack was helping his friend its not Like jack stole Thalia away from Zach or anything. 
I think zach just needs to realise Thalia is safe now and that's the important thing.
"She is stable enough for you to go in and see her now" said a man walking into the room where we were waiting, none of us knowing really want we will find, when we saw her in that basement it was dark, none of us really saw anything, we took a deep breath and walked into the hospital room.
Thalia was conscious, good start. She had a cast on her wrist and many bandages tied round her arms and legs, her face looked as if she had seen things she can never un-see and to be honest that's probably the truth.

We talked to her for about an hour all of us getting very short responses. The doctor told us she had to stay overnight so they were worried about her breathing and health all together. Only one person was aloud to stay with her so I volunteered first, I didn't want any drama with any other boys plus I was the first person Thalia talked to about her problems I was hoping to be able to find out what happened over the last 2 days.

We stayed up talking for hours after the boys left and I found out a lot.
Her kidnapper was her ex Jordan, he was planning on forcing her back to England, he told her we were all fake friends to her, and I assured her otherwise, he also made her pretty much starve, he yelled at her for singing, that was her way of coping, she managed not to stay alive through the beatings and abuse he gave her.
I am so proud of her for not giving up, she is a warrior.

*Thalia's POV*
Im glad Dani stayed with me last night we talked for hours and hours until we fell asleep the last thing I remember him saying was
"Im proud of you my little warrior." That made me happy. But still I don't feel quite safe. I know hes in prison and cant get me here but still I im scared and if you knew him you would understand, he is capable of so much more than you will ever understand.
My fear keeps Me awake, throughout that early morning, Im really glad they care about me, enough to risk their lives for me that's amazing that I have actual friends and the most amazing boyfriend in the world, Who I love. A lot, I don't know what went through my mind before but it was crazy, Zach is the only one I love in a romantic way and not a friendship way.
I cant wait to get my life back to 'normal' work starts again next week hopefully they can get me a skin coloured cast so I can do fashion week with Maja if I miss it ill have to wait till next year.
I hope my life can just get back on track.

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