New opportunities

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*Thalia's pov*
I'm sat here and all I can think about is Jack.
I know that sounds desperate and needy and all the rest of it but I really like him, a lot.
I just miss him and even swing his sweet face makes me want to cry because there are thousands of people seeing him every day and I'm here alone.
I just, i just wish he would walk through the door right now saying 'Hey Thalia it's been a while how are you?' But he's on tour in god knows where and he's probably getting ready to perform.
I told Maja that I liked Jack and I showed her the song I wrote him, I want to sing it to him but I don't know if I've got the guts.
I miss him I just miss him.
I miss all of them, to be honest,  but jack the most.
I haven't spoken to him since he left for tour and it's just sad.
Oh well he's clearly way to busy to talk to me and that's all good because he's out there living his dream,Being happy. Without me.

It was getting late so I decided to just go get some sleep.

*time skip*

I'm currently sat next to Noah at the airport, very confused as to where we're going.
All he told me when he called this morning was bring a bag with enough stuff to last you a week.
Not where I'm, or we're going.
Just to bring clothes.

"Can you pppllease just tell meeeee?" I begged

"You'll have to wait till we're on the plane" he smiled

"And how long is that going to beee?" I say bored out of my mind like a three year old child.

"We will see" he said glancing at his watch

Some muffled words came over the intercom and Noah stood up and signalled for me to follow him so I did.

"Here you go" he says handing me a boarding card.

"WERE GOING TO NYC!" I yelled like a hyper two year old

"Hahah yes we are, surprise" he laughed

"That's amazing I can't wait, but like why?" I questioned

"Well let's just say there's an amazing rehearsal venue for a tour that I might be putting together for you" he smiled

"OMG OMG OMG THANK YOU NOAH YOUR THE BEST BEST BEST" I hugged him as we took our seats

"Thanks Thalia, there's also this dress fitting you have to go to just for some costume ideas for it" he said handing me a time table

Monday (tomorrow) through Friday was rehearsals minus Thursday that was half a day for dress fitting and then Saturday just says 'LEAVE FREE'

I decided to just go with it and put in my headphones and dosed off to sleep on this boring flight.

I wake up in the beautiful NYC, me and Noah head to baggage claim and then jump in an Uber to take us to out hotel.
We signed into our separate rooms and agreed that we will meet up for some food in two hours in the lobby of this place.

I unpacked my bag and studied the timetable

Monday: rehearsals (staging) 10-3
Tuesday: rehearsal (vocal) 11-2
Wednesday: dress fitting 10-12
Rehearsals(vocal) 3-4 rehearsals (dance) 4:30-6
Thursday: rehearsal (dance & vocal) 1-4
Friday: rehearsal (vocal, dance &staging) 10-4
Saturday:  LEAVE FREE
Sunday:  morning free travel in the evening

Jesus Noah how hard core do you want me to go?
When even is this tour?
I'll ask him later.

I showed and changed and got ready to venture out into the amazing NYC a place I have always want to see.
I grabbed my camera and charger
And in true Thalia style was 20 minuets early so I decided to grab an iced tea and sit on my phone while I waited for Noah.

After 45 minuets, yeah he was late, we set out the door and went on a huge walk sigh seeing all around the city, Noah showed me all the best places to eat and get coffee and then he showed me the rehearsal space and oh my gosh it looks so amazing. I can't wait for the next few days.

"Noah, your literally the best manager in the entire world thank you so so much for giving me this amazing opportunity I can't ever express in words how much this all means to me" I smiled

"Thanks Thalia, even tho yes I am your manager I think we are good friends and I'm so glad I found you first before any of the others" he laughed

"Haha me too, and definitely friends" we smile and link arms to then continue walking, but in a brotherly / sisterly kind of way.

We laugh and walk for what feels like no time but the sun had gone although it was still so bright, due to all the bill boards and lights and cabs and other things.

Noah pointed up to a Spotify billboard "one day, one day soon that will you be" he smiled

"You really think I can do that?" I smiled

"Of course you can, your Thalia Moon, with you anything is possible" he laughed

"Hashtag sponsored by Barbie" we laughed so much at that random comment as we walked down towards this nice cafe Noah had said about to get some food.

The cafe was so elegantly decorated with attention to even the smallest little detail, the place wasn't that full but the staff were so kind and the food was absolutely to die for! I don't think I've ever had pasta that good in my entire life.

I tweeted about it because I hadn't posted on Twitter in quite a while and I felt now to be a good time.

I thanked the amazing people in the cafe and told them I would 100% be back here soon and then me and Noah walked back to the hotel ready for our busy week we had ahead of us.

Let's do this!!

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