Chapter 25

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I shivered under the table. What was going on? All of the sudden the door opened. It was the man who had kidnapped me! What was he doing here?

"I was hoping you wouldn't find anything out." He told Jennifer.

"Is this why you wanted to stop with this investigation? You didn't want to get caught so you just told us to stop with the investigation huh? Well it didn't work out." He glanced down at me.

"Your coming with me." He started walking towards me.

"Don't touch her!" Jennifer yelled.

"Why? Are you going to shoot me? Come on we both know that you won't shoot me your to scared too." He said.

"I'll do it if I have too!" She yelled. Her voice quivered a little.

"Okay then I'll prove you wrong right now." He started walking towards me. I pushed a chair at him but that didn't do anything he just kept on coming.

I started scooting backwards on my butt till I was against the wall. He grabbed my arm the a loud sound filled the room. The man stood up and put his hand on his chest. It was bleeding.

He slowly turned around and looked at Jennifer. She was crying still holding the gun in her hands. The man fell to the ground I scooted over to Jennifer as fast as I could.

We stood there then police men started coming in through the door. I looked at all of them as they looked at Jennifer then the man on the floor that was slowly dying.

"Why did you shoot Mark?!" One of the police men asked Jennifer.

"He was the kidnapper. He kidnapped the girl." Her eyes never left Mark. One of the police men helped me up and took me to another room. I stayed there for a bit then they told me that I could go home.

I walked out of the office and was bombarded with questions.

"What happened?!"

"Are you okay?!"

"What were the gunshots?!"

I just stared at them. I didn't even know some of these people. My friends pushed everyone out of the way and helped me get out of the police station. I ran to the my car and sat down in the passenger seat.

I wanted to be alone so bad but I didn't want to tell my friends to go away. But I didn't even have to say anything they already knew that I wanted to be alone.

Devon drove us home. Karla and Tobbe had gone somewhere else.

When we got to my house Devon gave me a quick then left in his own car. I said bye to Cass and she walked to her own house since it was right next to mine. I walked into mine and ran up to my room and threw myself on the bed.

I started crying all the tears that were in me. It felt good to let them all loose.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 DAYS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everything was back to normal again. The end of the school year was almost here. Their were going to be a lot of partying the next few days. We all decided to go to them but no drinking.

I had already learned my lesson from getting kidnapped. Apparantly the news of me being kidnapped had gone through the whole school. A lot of people had spread rumors saying that I was dead.

All of the kidnappers had been arrested even Jared's mom but she got a shorter time in jail. I actually felt bad for her because she had helped me escape.

Today was my first day that I was going to school again. I was a little scared because I didn't know what they would all do. But I have my friends and they'll all support me.

I got dressed quickly and ate a quick granola bar before I left. I was going to stop by and pick all my friends up. I stopped by and picked Karla up since she lived closer then Devon, Tobbe, and Elin.

When we were all in and headed to school I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Karla and Tobbe sucking each others face. They couldn't go without a minute without doing that. I laughed. They are too cute!

"Hey what's so funny?" Devon asked me.

"Oh nothing. Just the two love birds in the backseat of my cars." I said with a smile.

"What about us?" Karla asked.

"Just that you two are practically eating each other." I said with a smile. She smiled back and they continued with their make out session. Poor Elin has to sit back there with them I thought.

We arrived at school and we all piled out of my car. Everyone automatically stared at us. It was horrible. I glared at some of the people and the all quickly turned away.

We walked to our usual spot then I saw someone coming towards us. I turrned to see who it was and it was Sopia. Why would she want to talk to me? Probably only to pity me.

We all looked at her as she walked up to us. "Hey Malina, Can I talk to you in private?" She asked me eyeing all my friends.

"Sure." We walked away and found a spot that was in the shade.

"I'm really sorry for treating you how I was. I was just jealous that Devon liked you and not me."

"Well you should have told me that a while ago instead of yelling at me." I told her.

"I know. I'm sorry it won't happen again. But can we be friends again?"


"Okay and next time if I do something bad you can punch me in the face and I won't hit you back."

"I won't do that. That's a horrible thing to do."

"Yeah I guess your right." We talked more a little bit more then the bell rang we went to class.

The rest of the day went well. For lunch we had gone out to lunch at McDonalds. Karla and I had gotten Mocha Frappes and they were delicious!

After school we decided to go dress shopping for the party tomorrow. Well mostly Elin and I had planned it. We had to beg Karla to come with us and in the end she finally gave in. She hated shopping. We tried to change that but it didn't work.

Today was going to be a fun day!


I got into writing mode and wrote this chapter quickly! So I'm sorry if it sucks I was rushing to finish. I have decided to write two more chapters for this story then an epilogue. I have been wanting to start a new story but I wanted to finish this one first.

Hope you guys liked it:)

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