Chapter 14

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I woke up the next day to the smell of bacon. I went into the kitchen and saw Justin making bacon. "Mmm that sure smells good!" I said eyeing the bacon.

"Yeah it will be done in a bit."

"Okay well I'm going to shower before I leave to school better be done by then." I said walking up stairs to the bathroom. I took a quick shower than went to my closet to pick an outfit for today. I got some demin short shorts with a black tank top that had written across it love.

It took me a bit to choose shoes. I was trying to decide if I wanted to wear converse, flip flops, or wedges. I ended up picking my black wedges. I slipped them on and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

"About time you got done getting ready." He said eating some back and eggs.

"Oh shush! You made eggs too!?"

"Yes, yes I did." He said with a smile.

"I'm going to have to finish this fast before the bus comes." I said shoving food in my mouth.

"Um sis did you forget that you have a car now?"

I stopped eating. "Wow totally forgot! Thanks for reminding me now I can eat this slowly." I said eating and savoring every bite.

When I finished I walked to my car and got in. I took a quick pic then turned on the car. I was thinking of giving Karla a ride but the bus was probably long gone so she was probably already at school.

When I got to school I saw Karla, Tobbe, Elin, and Devon all together. I turned off my car and got my bag. I checked myself in the mirror then walked out to all my friends.

"Hey guys," I said smiling.

"Hey," They all said in unison. I looked at Devon and he was looking at me practically drooling.

"Uh," I said blushing and looking at Devon.

"Sorry I was...uh...just," He said looking down. The bell rang and he let out a breath. "Let's go to class." He was already walking away.

"Hey wait up!" I said running after him. We walked together in silence. He was acting different today.

When we got to our class and sat down I asked him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He said looking unsure.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He smiled at me. "I need-" He got cut off by the teacher.

"Morning class!"

Throughout the whole class I was wondering what he was going to tell me. I was really glad when the bell rang so I could ask Devon what he was going to ask me. I was about to ask him when Sophia bumped into me.

"Oops sorry" She said laughing.

"What's your problem?" I said getting mad.

"Your my fucking problem!" She pushed me down on the floor.

"You bitch!" I got up and slapped her. She was about to slap me but Devon stood between us.

When she saw Devon she grabbed his hand. "Could you please move? I don't want you to get hurt." He jerked his hand back like she had a virus.

"No. No one is hurting Malina." He stood protectively in front of me.

"But she deserves it!" I was wondering what she meant but didn't want to ask.

"No she doesn't. Come on let's go." He put an arm around me protectively and took me to our next class.

"Thanks but I could have handled that myself."

"I didn't want to see you hurt." He looked me in the eyes. His face was filled with concern.

"Well I'm not hurt."

"No your not." He cupped my face with his hands.

Just then the teacher came. "Please take a seat sir." Devon gave me a small smile and went to his seat. My cheeks felt warm where he had placed his hands. Even though Sophia had ruined my day, Devon had made it so much better.

When the class was over Devon rushed over to me. "Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I got up and walked with him to the lunch room. "Hey want to go out to eat somewhere else?" Now that I have a car I can go out to eat during lunch time instead of eating at the school.

"Yeah sure." He smiled at me.

"Okay let me find Karla then we can leave." I looked for Karla and found her walking into the lunch room.

"Karla!" I yelled across the lunch room. She found me and walked towards me. "Do you want to go out for lunch?"


We walked to my car and Karla burst. "DID YOU FIGHT WITH SOPHIA!?"

"Yeah I did but she just attacked me." I opened the door and moved the seat forward so Karla could slip into the back.


"I don't know but she said something about me deserving it." I started the car.

"Wow. I've known her for a while and I never would have guessed she'd do that."

"People aren't always what they seem." I said backing out of the car space. Devon had been quiet the whole time which I thought was strange. "If it wasn't for Devon I would have killed that girl!"

"I would never let you get hurt." Devon said speaking for the first time since we left. I smiled and blushed a little.

"Guess I have a good body guard!" He smiled at me and I smiled back before looking back at the road.


Hope you guys liked it! This chapter goes to lights0323 for being such an amazing friend! Everyone should get to know her because she so awesome! She's always been there for me in the good times and bad times. Her story is absolutly brilliant! Hope all of you guys check her out!

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