Chapter 6

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I walked out into the warm air. I was pretty nervous today because Karla and Tobbe were going to help me talk to Devon. I was even planning on ditching school so that I wouldn't have to talk to him.

I got to the bus stop and saw that I was a little early. I found a tree and sat down under it. The cool grass felt good when I sat on it. I was watching a bird in the sky. I was too busy staring at the bird that I hadn't noticed Karla and Tobbe beside me. I literally jumped up high because they scared me.

Karla laughed and said, "Sorry we didn't mean to scare you." Tobbe had his arms around her waist. They both looked very happy.

The bus got there and I said, "Come on guys." Then we got on.


When we got to school I was a nervous wreck. My hands were shaking really bad and I was starting to sweat.

I tried to calm myself down but it wouldn't work I was still really nervous. Tobbe and Karla went and got off the bus but I stayed till everyone was gone then I got off.

When I got off Karla said, "There you are! Let's go talk to him!" She grabbed my hand and they started leading me towards a tree. "When he comes we're gonna introduce you guys and then you guys can talk, ok?"

I took a deep breath. "Ok" I couldn't believe I was really doing this.I turned to my right and then I saw him. He was coming toward us. I felt like running in the other direction away from him.

He came up to us and said hi to Tobbe and Karla. Then he looked at me. "That's Malina," said Tobbe.

"Hi," he said. In my head i started freaking out because he said hi to me!

"h-hi," I said shakily. Tobbe and Karla started making out on the tree. Wow, I thought I'm on my own.

"They really love each other, don't you think?"

"Yea." I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was looking at his eyes and I just blurted out without thinking, "I love your eyes." I could feel myself blushing already.

He laughed and said, "I get that a lot. I love your blush." He smiled at me and I felt my blush growing more.

I laughed a nervous laugh. Then the bell rang and I let out a big breath. I hadn't noticed that I had been holding my breath. "I'll walk you to your next class since we have the same class."

"Okay." We started walking to my next class and I saw Sophia. She glared at me. What was that?, I thought.

We walked to our seats. Then class started.

When class ended Devon walked me to my next class too but we didn't talk much.


I walked over to Karla at the lunch table with my lunch. "Ok so are you going to finally tell me what happened yesterday with your date with Tobbe?"

She laughed and started looking nervous, "Yea. So he came to my house and picked me up then we went to the movies."

I looked at her. She was looking down at her hands smiling. "What else happened?"

"Well.... Promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?"

"I promise I won't." What happened last night that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone?

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