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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~One Year Later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Today we were all going to meet up at Tobbe's house. He had his own house now but it was still huge. We hadn't seen much of Karla and Tobbe they said that they wanted to give us a surprise but we had to wait a while. We all had no clue what it was.

Elin and Lucien had gotten married a little while ago and so had Devon and I. Tobbe and Karla had also gotten married. There wedding was HUGE and it was so much fun. I couldn't wait to see them again.

I was getting dressed and I put on a red dress with some matching heels. Devon came in wearing some dark jeans, a button down shirt, and converse. I loved how his style never changed.

He walked up to me and I looked into his beautiful blue-gray eyes. He smiled and kissed me softly. I felt a shock go threw my body when he did. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled against my lips.

I heard my phone ringing and he groaned. "Hold on." I told him. I looked at the caller ID and it was Karla. I went over and picked it up.


"Hi! Just calling to make sure your coming!" Karla said cheerfully.

"Of coarse we're coming!"

"Okay great! See you then!"

"Okay bye."

"Bye!" I hung up and then turned to Devon. He was standing there with keys in his hands.

"Ready?" He asked with a breathtaking smile.

"Yes." I said smiling at him and kissing him. We made out for a bit then realized we were late. We quickly went to the car and drove to Tobbe's house.

When we got there Elin and Lucien had just gotten there too. We walked up the steps to Tobbe's house than rang the doorbell. It took a bit then Karla and Tobbe answered the door with two baby's in their arms.

"Awww!!" Elin and I said in unison.

"Here's the surprise!" Karla said smiling.

"There yours??" Elin asked surprised.

"Yeah they are." They said smiling at each other.

"There so cute!!" I said. "What's there names?"

"This one is Tobbe Jr." She said pointing at the one that Tobbe had. " And this one is Eleonora." She said giving Eleonora a kiss. They all made the perfect family.

"Wanna come in?" Tobbe asked.

"Sure." We all came in and their house was huge from the inside.

"Dude you guys are lucky to have such a big house." Lucien said looking around. It looked like we could all live here.

"Thanks man." Tobbe said.

We walked around as they showed us the whole house it was bigger than we had all expected. It had a pool in the back yard and I couldn't even remember how many rooms it had.

When they were done showing us around we decided to watch a movie. Karla and Tobbe went to put their kids to bed while they left us to prepare everything. We popped popcorn and put it into a bowl then went to the living room.

We all sat down and waited for Karla and Tobbe to come back. When they did we watched the movie. It was all like the old times and I loved it.


Sorry about it being so short:P I was trying to finish it so I could be done with the whole story and I had it planned but I didn't know it was going to be this short. So I'm sorry. This is the very last upload that I'm doing for this story. But be sure to check out my new story that I'm going to do.

I don't know when Im going to upload it but hopefully it'll be soon. Hope you guys liked the story and thank you to everybody who voted and commented:)

One more time:) Comment, Vote, Fan:)

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