Chapter 24

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Malina's POV

I looked down in shock and saw that Jared was passed out on the floor. I looked up and saw his mom standing over him with a pan in her hands. She was shaking.

"Go! Leave before they both wake up!" I didn't even think about it I just ran to the front door.

"Thank you so much!" I yelled back to her. I ran as fast as I could and soon the beach came into view. I ran towards it and when my feet touched the sand I collapsed onto the ground. I was finally free!

I ran to the parking lot maybe to find someone but there were only some little kids running around. Then I saw my car. They must have left it there when they found out I was missing.

Wait the keys! Where are they? I turned around and looked behind me. Not far from me I saw two people on the ground.

It only took me a second to notice that it was Devon and Cass. I started running and crying of happiness.

"Devon, Cass!!!" I yelled. There heads snapped up when they heard my voice. I was finally going to be safe.


Cass POV

Devon and I decided to look for her one last time at the beach. We took a long time there looking but we didn't find her.

We sat down in the sand and I started crying. I could tell that Devon wanted to cry too but he was holding it in. We stayed there for about 10 minutes then we heard our names being called. The voice sounded like Malina's. I looked over at the voice and it was Malina!

She was running towards us. She was wearing a pink dress but I wasn't going to worry about that right now. All that mattered was that she was here! Alive!

We all started running towards each other. Soon we were all hugging and crying. Even Devon who was trying to hold back the tears. Devon kissed her then hugged her tight.

This must have been really hard on him since she was the love of his life.

"Don't ever leave my sight again!" He told her.

She smiled. "I won't."

"Come on we have to go tell the others!" I said and we all ran to the car. We all got in then DEvon practically sped out of the parking lot.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Devon asked Lina. Concern covered his face.

"I'd like to tell all of you at the same time." She looked down at her hands. I wondered what could have happened to her. Did they try to kill her or what if they had raped her?! My mind was flowing with unanswered questions.


Malina's POV

Cass had called everyone else and told them that they had a surprise. We were all going to meet at Karla's house since it was closer. When we got there they told me to wait in the car and hide till Cass came out and gave me the signal.

They went up the steps to her house then I saw Karla open the door. Her eyes looked red like if she was crying. Poor her I really missed her. I started crying as I saw all of them in the door way.

Devon told them something then they all went inside. A few minutes later Cass came out. She gave me a signal and I got out of the car and walked over to her. She linked her arm with mine then we walked inside the house.

We walked into the living room. They were all standing there then when they saw me come in their eyes widened.

"Malina!!" Karla screamed and ran over to me and hugged me. She was hugging me really tight like if I would leave again. Then again we were all in a group hug.

When we were all calm we all took a seat on the couch. Devon wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear. "You ready?"

"Yeah." It was going to be hard talking about this. It was the worst experiance that I had ever had in my life. I looked down at my hands feeling all the pressure build up in me. I took a deep breath.

"When ever your ready." Elin said with an encouraging smile.

I took another deep breath then started talking. I told them everything even the part where I started playing along with everything. They listened intently and didn't try rushing me on anything. They were the best friends anyone could ever have.

When I had finished telling them everything I was in tears. Devon's phone started ringing and he looked at it.

"Sorry it's the cops I have to take this." He gave me a quick kiss before he left. Karla was hugging me and telling me that everything was okay now.

Devon came back then he said, "They want us to take you down their office so you can tell them everything."

I nodded and we all went outside. We took two cars because we all didn't fit in one. It was silent through the whole ride.

When we finally got at the office we went in. An officer came and took me to a room. The room had a table and two chairs. One chair on the opposite sides.

I sat there in the cold uncomfortable room. Then the door opened and a lady with slacks and a dress shirt came in. She looked really stressed out. She was carrying papers in her arms and she set them down on the desk.

"Hello. My name is Jennifer. I'm so sorry about what had happened to you. Would you like to tell me what happened and maybe some details of how they looked like." She told me writing something down.

Again I repeated my story and in the end I gave her details of what they all looked like. When I told her the description of the father she froze and looked at me.

"Did you see if he had a tattoo on his neck?" She asked me shocked.

"Yeah I sorta remember. It was a tattoo of a Jared's name his son.

She sat there staring at me in shock. I wanted to ask why but I decided to wait till she could talk and tell me what was going on.

"I know who the killer is! Please stay here and don't move! He could come in here any second!" She pushed me under the table and took out her gun pointing the door. What was happening!?


This chapter is dedicated to Tobbe for being such a great friend. We've had our fun times and our bad times but we always forgave each other in the end. We are totally obssessed with dots lol. But I sometimes can't do swedish letters and I get mad but then I always find a way to get them. Oh and if you didn't know he's swedish.

Tobbe, you and Karla are like the most amazing couple ever. You two are too kute! I wish the best to both of you in life!:)

Hope everyone liked the story:)

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