Chapter 18

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I sat in my room listening to music waiting for Storm to come. I saw his car pull up in the drive way. For some reason I was feeling a little excited to actually hang out with him and get to know him. I tried to push the feeling away.

The door bell rang right as I was going down the stairs. I opened the door and found a smiling Storm standing there. His hair wasn't spiked today like it was last time. It looked like he had tried his hard to make it seem messy but stylish messy.

He was wearing a white with black striped shirt that was a little tight on him. You could practically see his muscles. He wore some black cargos with high black socks and plain black converse.

I felt like I couldn't speak so I just gave him a smile small.

"You know it's not really nice to stare." He said with a grin.

I blushed. I honestly didn't know what to say back. "Want to come in?"

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Okay." I moved out of the way so he could come in. I knew I was going to regret saying yes to him and I was already regretting it and he had barely got here.

He went over to the couch and sat down. "Are you alone?"

I thought of lying to him since I really didn't know him but changed my mind. I mean how could this guy hurt me? "Yeah pretty much." I was hoping that one of those awkward silenced wouldn't happen.

"Do you live alone?"

"No I live with my mom and dad."

"No siblings?"

"Yeah but he left already."

"You mean moved out right?"

"Yeah." I went over to the couch that was diagonal from him and sat down. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw that it was Devon.

Devon: Hey baby how is your night going?:)

Me: It's going good but wish you were here:(

I didn't tell him that Storm was here because I remembered how he got last time. Storm was sitting there smiling at me. I smiled back.

"So um do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah sure."

I turned the TV on and went to Netflix. "So what genre do you want to watch?"

"How about horror?" He said with a grin.

"Alright." I went to the horror section and started going through the movies. "Have you seen this movie?" I asked stopping on the movie 100 feet.

"No I don't think so."

"You have to watch it's a really good movie."

"Okay then we'll watch that one."

"I'll go make some popcorn." I went into the kitchen and got some popcorn bags. I put one into the microwave and waited for it to pop.

When both of the bags were done popping I dumped the popcorn into a bowl and walked back into the living room. I sat down next to Storm and offered him some popcorn. We both ate and watched the movie.

When it was about the middle of the movie I was starting to feel a little tired. I didn't want to tell Storm to leave because I thought that was rude. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I drifted to sleep.

I woke up and it was a little dark inside. I looked around and I saw Storm on the other couch sleeping. He had probably moved when I fell asleep. I yawned and looked at my phone it was 5:30. Almost the time that I usually wake up. I got up and went to the shower. I took a quick shower then wrapped a towel around my body.

I walked over to my closet in my room. I took out some black jeggings with a black tank top. I put on my converse and looked out the window. It was cloudy today and it looked like it might rain. I loved this weather.

I went downstairs and saw Storm stretching. "Someone's awake."

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to sleep here I just didn't want to leave you alone and think that I robbed something and left."

"It's okay. Are you hungry?"

"A little bit." I walked to the kitchen and found some chocolate chip pancakes on the table and a note next to it. The note said: Noticed we had company so we decided to make breakfast for you to. Love, Mom and Dad.

I smiled and put grabbed two pancakes and put them on my plate. "My mom and dad made pancakes if you want some."

"Okay." He grabbed two pancakes also.

"There's syrup in the fridge if you want some. Oh and whip cream also." He went to the fridge and took out the syrup and whip cream. I watched as he carefully put the syrup and whip cream onto his pancakes.

"I wanted to be a at one point in my life." He said not looking up from his pancakes. He had made a little mountain of whip cream on top of his pancakes and then he had drizzled syrup over it.

"Well that looks really good." I looked at my messed up pancakes. All I had done was put syrup on them. His looked like it was really delicious.

"Thanks yours looks pretty good too." He said looking at mine.

"Ha yeah right mine looks boring." We both digged in into our pancakes."So do you go to school?" I asked him because he didn't even look like he was in a rush to go to school.

"Yeah I do."

"At what time do you enter school?"


"Shouldn't be leaving then?" That sounded a little rude.

"Nah I usually ditch the first class."

"Oh well I have to be leaving in a bit for school."

"That's to bad. I was having fun." He said with a frown.

"Yeah I was having fun too but I need to get good grades and getting good grades means going to school."

"You have a point there." He said pointing at me with his fork.

"Yeah and maybe you should do that too. Ever thought of that?"

"No not really." I looked at the time it was 6:30.

"Well I need to go to school now. Are you done?"

"Yeah I'm done. These pancakes were delicious. Tell your mom and dad that they are amazing cooks."

"Okay I'll tell them." I grabbed my keys and headed outside. Storm came out and looked around. His grey eyes almost matched the grey sky. They were beautiful. He came over to me.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"Yeah." He gave me a hug then he walked over to his car. I locked the front door then went to my car. Storm had already left.

I got in and headed off to school thinking about everything that had just happened.


I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has fanned me and read my story and voted for it. It means a lot to me:) I know that I don't write such good stories but I'm starting to get better at it now.

I hope everybody enjoyed the story:)

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