Chapter 23

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Malina's POV

I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room. My head hurt some much. I must have passed out when Jared had pushed me against the wall.

I looked around the room. It was a different room. I looked to my left and froze. Jared was right next to me sleeping.

I looked at the door. Maybe it's open. I walked slowly to it but it was locked from the outside and I needed a key. Wait there's moonlight. I looked where the moonlight led and saw a window. I smiled and walked towards the window.

I couldn't open it so the only way to do it was to break the window. I grabbed a chair and was about to throw it at the window when Jared yelled, "What the fuck are you doing!?" I quickly threw the chair in the window and it broke.

I threw my self out but not on time. My feet were on the cool grass already but Jared held me by the hair. It hurt so bad and I screamed. He pulled me back by my hair then he lifted me back inside.

My legs, arms, and feet were bleeding from the glass that was everywhere now. Jared's mom and dad ran in through the door. I guess they had a key. They looked at me then the whole room.

"Look what you did! You could have killed her! Did you try throwing her out the window or something?!" His mom scolded him. She came up to me and hugged me. I guess she cared about me.

"She did that! So don't blame me!" His mom took me to a bathroom and made me sit on the toilet with the top down. She got a cotton and some alchohal and started cleaning where I got cut.

It stinged and I gasped. "Sorry sweetie." She said cleaning my wounds.

"W-why do you have me here?" I asked her.

"Well Jared needs a wife and he said that he saw you at the beach. So he told my husband to pick you up and you made it easy by falling asleep."

"Are we far from the beach?"

"Sorry hun can't answer that." She said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Well first of all I don't want this to make your life a living hell like Jared is making it. You have to be patient with him."

"Why don't you guys let me go? I already have a boyfriend." I said hoping that with that she would let me go.

"I'd love to but then we would go to jail because you would tell them that it was us. So we can't sorry hun."

"I won't tell anyone. I promise but just please let me go."

"If I would let you go then my son would not be happy with me." When she said that a flash of fear went through her eyes. Was she scared of her own son?


Cass POV

I tossed and turned all night thinking about Malina. I really hoped she was okay. I had prayed for her that she would be okay.

The cops hadn't found any evidence as to where she was. They said that they would try everything they could to find her. I just hoped that was true.


Malina's POV

After the talk I had with Jared mom I had tried too play along with everything that he tried doing. It was disgusting to kiss him back but I was doing it to survive.

Before I had left the bathroom his mom had told me to not do anything that would make him mad because he could possibly kill me.

It had been about 5 days since I had been kidnapped. I was starting to gain more of Jared trust and he let me run loose around the house.

I didn't try leaving. Not yet. I had a plan that I would bring up an idea of a possible 'date' somewhere with Jared then I could escape when there were a lot of people or maybe even someone recognize me.

His mom was much nicer to me. She even hepled me sometimes when Jared would try to kiss me. I think she doesn't really approve with what her son is doing.

I was sitting on the couch watching some show on TV. Jared had just come home then he went over and sat on the couch next to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist. He smelled like alchohal.

He started kissing my neck and I wanted to push him away but I forced myself to stay still. Then he pushed me down on the couch hard.

"I need you so bad!" He said in my ear.

"No!" I yelled. I was not expecting this. I pushed him but he was too strong he held my hands down. "Stop!" I started crying and screaming.

He screamed in frustration and slapped me across the face.

"Shut up!" He pulled out a knife from his back pocket and held it against my throat.

"If you try anything stupid then you will regret it."

With that I totally shut up.

Someone came up behind him and smacked him hard in the head with something. I watched as he fell to the floor.


Cass POV

It had been six days since Malina had gone missing. I really missed her. Her friends had stopped by once in a while to comfort me.

The cops said that they would still look but not as hard as they were. I couldn't believe that they would do that. Their job wasn't to give up. It was to help people no matter what.

Karla's friends and I had gone around posting flyers everywhere. We even went to every house around the beach but they all said that they hadn't seen her but that they would keep a close look out for her and call us when they did see her.

I really hoped she would show up. I know she will. We all knew that she would.


Sorry about the really short Cass POV but I just had trouble with what to write for hers but I came up with that. Sorry if it's not so good I'm just really tired and wanted to finish this before I went to bed.

Anyways hope you guys liked it!:)

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Oh almost forgot! Thanks Karla for being such a great friend and encouraging me through this. It helped me a lot:) Luv ya sis!

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