Chapter 4

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I was running through the woods. It was dark and cold. I looked around for an opening so I could get out of this place. I thought there was no way out but when I looked to my right I saw light. I started running towards it as fast as I could. When I got out of the tall, creepy looking trees I saw a beautiful lake. It looked like the lake never ended. I reached down and touched the water. When I lifted my hand up there was a huge fish biting my hand! I screamed and tried to get it off.

I woke up and looked around. I realized that I had fallen asleep in class. I looked up at the clock and saw that I had 10 minutes left in this class. I felt someone looking at me. I looked to my right and saw that Devon was looking at me. When I looked at him he didn't even bother looking away. I looked back at him but it wasn't long till i felt my cheeks burning up.

I have always had a problem with looking at guys without blushing. I don't know why I do it and I hate it.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed the bell rang. I was the only one left in the classroom. I was left there sitting looking at his empty chair. I quickly gathered all my stuff and went to lunch.

When I got to the lunch room I saw that Karla was already sitting and eating with some girl I didn't recognize.

I went to the lunch line and got a salad because I wasn't that hungry. I tried to avoid the eyes of Devon as much as possible. I sat across from Karla and started eating.

"Hey lina where were you?" Karla asked looking away from the girl next to her.

"I was in the bathroom." I didn't want to say the exact reason of why I was late in front of a girl I didn't know. I was thinking of telling Karla that I liked Devon. I felt like I could trust her.

"This Vivianna." Karla said to me. "And this is Malina. I just met her a little while ago."

"Yea we bumped into eachother in the lunch line." Vivanna had blond shoulder length hair. She had dyed the underneath of her hair black. Her eyes were gray with a little bit of purple swimming around in the gray. I could tell that they were contacts.

We talked for a little more than lunch was over. I said bye to Karla and Vivianna. Vivianna was actually a really funny person.

I started walking to spanish class. When I got inside the classroom and opened my binder I saw a note. When did this get here, I thought. I opened the peice of lined paper and looked at it. I read it and it said, Stop staring at Devon. He's mine and he'll never like someone like you.

I cound't believe what I just read. The person who wrote this obviously noticed that I was staring at Devon a lot and that I liked him.

I ripped up the paper and threw it away in the trash. This is one of the reasons why didn't want people to know that I liked him because they know that I won't ever have a chance with him. Not now. Not ever.

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