Chapter 2:

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Sophia and I talked for a bit then she grabbed my hand and started leading me to some girls and a guy. We stopped in front of them and Sopia said, "Hey guys meet Malina." They all looked at me and said hey. One of the girls didn't seem so happy. She had light brown hair that looked like it was red in the sun.

The girl with dark brown hair came up to me. "My name's karla if you were wondering." The guy was behind her. He had dark brown hair like karla's and he had gorgeous green eyes. "Thats Tobbe." Tobbe waved a little.

"Their together," Sophia whispered in my ear. Just then the bell rang. "What class do you have next?"

"I have biology."

"Really? I do too! Come let's go!" She started walking and I followed her. I felt really happy that I now made new friends and possibly more than one.

We got to the classroom and Sophia said, "I'll see you after class." We both went to our seats. When I got to my seat I saw that across the aisle from me was the new kid.

I tried to avoid him as much as possible through out the class. I'm good with just friends, I thought. I would probably look like a fool if they found out that someone like me liked him. They would laugh at me and make fun of me.

It felt like time was going really slow. I was starting to get impatient and wanted to leave already. Then finally the bell rang anouncing that our class was over. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran without looking at him.

When I got to my next class I forgot that I was suppose to meet Sophia at the end of class. I hoped that she was not mad at me for ditching her like that. I looked out toward the window and in the seat beside the window I saw the new kid again! No! I thought. He's already in two of my classes.

So again I had to go through torture of staring forward. I heard a girl whispering to him and I couldn't help but look. The girl was practically on top of her desk trying to talk to him. He seemed annoyed by her but then again she was annoying. He looked my way and caught me staring. I quickly turned away and looked the other way. For the rest of class I looked down at my desk and didn't look up.

Finally the bell rang and I walked as fast as I could to the cafeteria. A hand touched my shoulder and I literly jumped. I turned and saw that it was Karla. "Hey," I said breathless.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yea I'm okay." I tried to even out my breath.

"Sophia isn't in this lunch period if you were wondering so you can eat with me. I usually sit alone because I don't really know anybody in this period."

"Ok," I said walking to the lunch line. They had good food here. Today they were giving Domino's Pizza. I grabbed a tray and took a plate of pizza. I wasn't really hungry today so that was all that I got. I waited for Karla to get her food then we sat down at an empty table. I took a bite of my pizza then I looked to the table in front of us and I let my pizza slice drop on the tray.

Karla noticed and asked, "What's wrong?" I wasn't sure if I could answer right away so I waited a bit before I spoke.

"Nothing, it's just that the new kid over there has like every class with me so far." I said that without looking in the direction of their table.

"Yea that sometimes happens." Good, I thought she doesn't suspect anything.

Lunch was over and I walked to my spanish class. I scanned the room before I sat down. So far there was no sign of him. Class ended and I was relieved that he wasn't in this class.

I walked to my last period class which was dance. Dance was my favorite class and I prayed to god that he wasn't in this class. Gladly he wasn't. We rehearsed our dances then took a break. Even though this was a tiring class I loved it!

Class ended and I walked out to where the buses were. I walked to my bus and got on. I found an empty seat and sat down. I stared out the window and found the new kid. I barely realized that i don't even know his name.

I was too busy thinking that i didn't even feel someone sit next to me. I turned and saw that it was Karla. "Hey sorry I didn't see you. You ride this bus?"

"It's ok, and yea i ride this bus. I've seen you riding this bus by yourself but I never really thought about talking to you."

"Well I wasn't much of a talker then but now I am." On the bus I always had my headphones in listening to music so I never really knew if someone tried talking to me.

We talked a bit more and I found out that she lived near me. We got off the bus then walked our seprate ways. She lived on street down from me.

When I got home i felt lonely again. My mom and dad were still at work. So I ate a sandwhich by myself in the kitchen and did some chores. After I was done I did some homework while listening to music. When I was done I fell into a deep sleep.

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