Chapter 15

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After a lot of arguing of where we were going to eat in the end we went to eat at Subway. We all ordered our sandwiches then sat down at a table to eat. I felt a little uncomfortable eating in front of Devon but after a bit I got used to.

We all finished then before we left I went to buy a chocolate chip cookie. We all went into the car and I started eating my cookie. I looked at Karla and Devon and they were both staring at me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing," They both said.

"You guys want some?" I handed a piece of cookie to both of them. They both said thanks the started munching on it. I started backing out of the space and then slammed on the breaks when another car behind me started backing out at the same time.

"What the hell!?" Devon said. He had hit his head on the dashboard when I slammed the breaks.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I saw the guy come out of his car. He was cute. He had grey eyes and his hair was spiked up. He was wearing a leather jacket with dark skinny jeans and converse. He seemed about our age.

I opened my car door and got out. We both walked up to each other.

"I'm sorry, I was on my phone and didn't see you backing up also." He said checking me out.

"It's okay but be glad I saw you and stopped before we crashed."

"Yeah, I'm Storm." He smiled.

"Um I'm Malina. Is that your real name or did you make it up?"

"It's my real name. My parents decided to name me that because I was born when there was a storm." That sounded a little weird but I didn't say anything.

"Well I like it. It's a unique name." I said smiling.

Karla yelled out the window. "We're going to be late!"

"I have to go." I said to Storm.

"Okay. Bye." He stood there and I turned away to leave. "Wait." He said. I turned around.


"Can I...uh....have your number. So we can maybe talk again some other time. You seem like a really nice person."

Oh what the hell I thought. "Yeah sure." He gave me his phone and I put my number into it.

"Here you go." I handed his phone back to him.

"Thanks." He smiled. "I'll text you."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." We both walked back to our cars.

"What was that all about?" Karla asked looking back at the guy.

"Honestly I have no clue. We just started talking then he asked for my number because he said he wanted to talk to me again."

"Ooh! Someone likes you!" Karla said laughing.

"You didn't give him your number, right?" Devon said.

"Actually I did."

"Aww that's cute!" Karla said.

"What if he's a creeper? You shouldn't have given it to him. He almost got us injured and your giving him your number?" He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He looked out the window.

I looked at Karla and mouthed, what's wrong with him?

She mouthed back, I think he's jealous.

I let out a breath and backed out of the car space once again. Storm was already long gone. It was a silent ride back to school. No one dared talked. Devon looked like he wanted to punch something. I wanted to ask him really bad why he was acting strange but I knew he would say that everything is fine.

When we got to school and I parked he let out a loud breath. He looked at me and said, "I'm really sorry for snapping at you."

"It's okay. I probably shouldn't have given him my number anyways and you were right." I tried my best to come up with things so he wouldn't feel bad.

"Thanks Malina." He smiled at me sweetly and I blushed.

"You don't have to thank me. Now let's go before we're late." We all hopped out of the car and went to our classes.

Through out all of my classes I was thinking of how Devon had acted. He was all of the sudden really protective of me. I wanted to ask him really bad what was going on. I remembered he was going to ask me something earlier but then he didn't get the chance to ask me.

I was like that the rest of the day. Just thinking about what had happened today. It was all very confusing and I wanted to know what was going on.

When school ended I walked outside into the warm sun. I saw Karla, Tobbe, Devon, and Elin all together.

I stood there looking at them for a bit. Then I thought back to when I had no friends at all. That seemed so long ago. Like it had been years since that happened. Thinking back to that made me sad.

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly then took a big breath and walked to them.

Devon saw me and he lit up. "Hi Malina!"

I giggled. "Hi."

"Were you crying?" Karla asked me quietly so no one else would hear.

"Yeah a little."


"I'll tell you later." I gave her a small smile.

"What are you guys talking about that I can't hear?" Tobbe said pouting at Karla.

"Oh nothing babe." She smiled at him.

He kissed her than he said, "Well we have to go because we have something to do."

"Something?" Elin laughed.

"Yeah we'll show you tomorrow." Tobbe said smirking.

"Wait what? Show us? What is it?" I asked confused.

"You'll see." They both walked off leaving the three of us confused.

"I need to go to." Elin said.

"Okay bye. See you tomorrow!" I said.It was only Devon and I left. "I think we should go to." I said starting to leave.

"Wait, Malina."

"Yeah?" I asked turning around confused.

"You dropped your hand sanitizer." He said handing me a hand sanitizer.

"Um that's not mine."

He ran a hand through his hair. "I know."

"Um okay." I was really confused at this point. He looked like he was about to talk but my phone rang. It was a random number. "Sorry but I'm going to take this real quick." I answered it and it was Storm. He said he was just making sure I gave him the right number and not a phony one.

When I hung up I looked back to Devon but he was gone already. Weird I thought. I guess he had to go. I walked back to my car and went home.


Hope you guys liked it!:)

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