Part 17

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I had been floating in the darkness for a while but I had no clue for how long. I had started to understand some of the words that were said and even started dreaming and having nightmares. But I couldn't remember anything from my dreams because every time I woke up I forgot them immediately. Okay... It wasn't really waking up. I was just suddenly floating again.

One night I had a terrible nightmare. Everyone in the Glade died except for me. It was like the end of the world where everyone died slowly and very painfully. I saw all of my friends dying. All of them. It was horrible

When everyone had died a white light appeared in front of my face and a lady appeared. She had a shortly cut blonde hair and she looked old. Well... At least older than me or any other glader.

"Remember, my child, WICKED is good," she said and then disappeared fastly.

I screamed on top of my lungs and felt tears run down my cheeks. Only after a moment, I realised that I was really screaming and I really felt the tears on my cheeks.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself sitting on a bed in an empty room. I panted loudly but was smiling inside because I wasn't in the darkness anymore.

Suddenly Clint and Jeff burst in the room.

"Holy Grievers, you're awake," Clint said and smiled.

"We thought... Oh, God... We're glad you're alive," Jeff added.

Then Minho and Chuck rushed into the room. They both ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. Clint and Jeff silently left us.

I moaned from the pain. Minho and Chuck took a step back. I looked down at my stomach to see it tightly bandaged. I sighed.

Chuck had tears forming in his eyes.

"I thought you won't wake up," he said, "Oh, shuck, I'm so glad you're awake. I was really worried."

Then he burst out in tears.

"Oh, Chuck, come here," I said opening my hands wide.

He ran to me and I hugged him tightly. Sweetness filled me.

I released Chuck. I tried to stand up but my head suddenly felt dizzy and my vision became a little bit blurry. I almost fell to the side but Minho managed to catch me.

"Not so fast, sweetheart," he said.

I fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes. My head was pulsing and I felt bad. I took my head in my hands.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked still laying down.

"Elle..." Minho said sadly.

"Just tell me, Minho," I tried to sound strict but I felt too weak to do it.

"Two weeks and three days."

"Two weeks and what?" I quickly sat up in shock. "You mean I've been sleeping for two shucking weeks? Oh, God..."

But then my head went dizzy again and I almost fell down but Minho caught me. Again...

"Elle, take it easy," he said.

I laid silently for a moment but then the realization came and I felt fear rising in me.

"And, and where's Mason?" I asked fearfully my voice shaking.

"Well, he's been banished so you can stop worrying about that," Chuck said.

I let out a relieving sigh and then suddenly felt bad for my relief of someone being dead.

"How have you been doing these past two weeks?" I asked to continue the conversation.

"We've been worried about you. You almost sent poor Newt over the edge after he had found you and brought you to the med-jacks. He..." Minho started to say but then stopped himself realising he had said too much.

"He... what?" I asked concerned.

"Um... Yeah... The poor boy hardly left your side. He worried about you all the time and couldn't agree with you staying alone and unprotected. He didn't sleep for days and when he finally blacked out I needed to physically carry him back to his bed so he could get some rest. It was really hard time for him," he said doubtfully, not really knowing if he could tell me this.

I suddenly felt a big regret of pushing away Newt and being so rude to him. How could I be like that?

"Can I see him?" I asked and tried to get out of the bed.

"Woah, woah, woah," Minho says and lightly pushes me back down. "You stay here. I'll go get him."

Then he leaves the room. Chuck comes to me and hugs me tightly before leaving as well.

After about a minute or so, I heard fast and frantic footsteps. Then Newt burst into my room. He ran closer but then stopped himself right at the edge of the bed

"Bloody hell, Elle, you scared the crap out of me. I thought... I thought..." he said and his eyes turned watery. "I thought you're going to die."

He sat down on a chair next to my bed.

"Aren't you going to hug me?" I said smiling weakly, trying to bring some happiness to the room.

"But you... you... hate me." He said sadly staring at his feet.

"Oh, slim it, Newt. Come here," I tried to smile again.

I sat up and he slowly stood up. Then he hugged me.

"I, I, I..." he started to say.

"I'm okay, Newt. Don't worry! Everything is okay."

He buried his head into my hair.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be," I said and rested my head on his shoulder.

After a moment, I drifted into sleep.


Mason was standing in front of me with a knife in his hand. I looked around. We were standing in the middle of the woods. He pushed me to the tree. I tried to scream but I couldn't because he was already on me and kissing me. When I finally somehow broke free, I started to run. I ran but I was too slow. He pushed me to the ground in the mud. I slowly turned to look him in the face but at the same moment when I turned, he stabbed the knife right in my face.

I woke up screaming and felt the tears run down my cheeks. I cupped my head in my hands.

"Elle, what happened? Are you okay?" Newt, who was sitting right next to my bed on a chair, said standing up. He had worried expression all over his face.

"I, I," I said still crying. "Nightmare."

He sat next to me and put an arm around my waist pulling me closer. I turned and cried into his chest, wrapping my hands around him. He put his hands on my back and gently stroke it.

"You're okay now," he whispered."I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Can, can you stay and sleep next to me?" I asked after I had stopped crying.

"Of course, I can," he said," as you wish."

We laid down. His hands were still wrapped around me while mine rested on his chest. I laid my head on his shoulder and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Good night," he said and I fell asleep peacefully in his embraces.

Hi, guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice day, loves. Love you. Bye.

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