Part 10

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After I finished my job, I had a shower and then went after my dinner. I asked Frypan for two plates (for me and Newt again) and went to Newts Slammer.

"Hi, beautiful," he said as I approached.

"Hi, Newt," I said and then handed him his plate.

We both ate silently. While we were eating Minho and Chuck joined us. We were all laughing as Chuck told us funny stories. He's such a sweet boy. I suddenly felt anger rising in me. He deserved so much more than this. He needed to be with his parents, enjoying his childhood and playing with other kids. I felt a tear run down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away so no one could see.

We talked for about two hours and after that I, Chuck and Minho left Newt and went to our hammocks. I lay down on my hammock and fell asleep right away.


Next two days were very similar. I woke up, ate breakfast with Newt next to his Slammer. Then worked all day(every day a different job), ate dinner with Newt and then went to sleep. It was all really boring except for the momemnts which I spent with Newt.


I woke up next morning earlier than other days. Today was the day when Newt will finally get out of his Slammer. I was so exited. I got out of my hammock and silently walked to Newts Slammer. Alby was already there unlocking Slammers door.

"You're good to go now," he said slightly irritated.

"Thank you, my dear friend, "Newt answered him sarcastically and smiled.

I guess they hadn't got over their argument yet. When Alby walked away I ran up to Newt and hugged him. I felt so good and safe in his hands.

"I'm glad you're finally out of that shucking place," I said smiling as we stopped hugging.

"I'm glad that I'm out too," he smiled.

We walked to Homestead together. We talked. As we got in the line a lot of boys were looking at us. It made me quite nervous but I tried not to pay attention to it. When we got our breakfast plates we spotted a table where Minho and some other runners were sitting. We joined them.

"Good morning, lovebirds," Minho said as we approached."Glad to see you out here again, Newt."

Some of the boys laughed.

"Morning, Minho, but we're not a couple yet so top saying that," Newt said to him.

I blushed a little bit. Did he say 'yet'? Does he really want us to be a couple someday?

Minho stood up and put an arm around my shoulders. 

"So if she's not taken, I can have her," he said joking. "Hey, lovely, how you doin'?"

Everyone sitting at this table except Newt laughed.

"Hey, shank, it doesn't mean you can have her," Newt said with a serious face.

Minho took his hand off my shoulders and then they all laughed, including Newt.

We spent breakfast laughing and talking. The boys were very loud but it didn't really bother me. Even though I was laughing I felt quite awkward around these boys. Thay had some jokes that only they understood.

After breakfast, Alby showed me to my today's job. I had already done all jobs except for the Runner. Minho is the Keeper of runners. I spent all day running around the glade, doing pushups etc. Minho was yelling at me constantly for being too slow but I just couldn't take it.

 I was really tired so at one moment I just gave up. I was doing 50  push-ups when I just stopped and laid down.

"I'm done," I said to Minho.

"Come on, Elle, you did only 18 push-ups. I said you need to do 50."

"Leave me alone Minho. I want to sleep."

There was a short moment of silence.

"No sleeping, princess," suddenly someone said from behind me. I recognized the british accent immediately. It was Newt.

He started tickling me. I couldn't hold myself and burst out in laughs.

"You're both cruel," I said laughing.

They laughed too.

"Stop," I laughed, "stop, stop, stop...  I can't."

After a moment, he stopped and I panted.

"Haven't you got a work to do yourself?" I asked him.

"I do, I was just passing by," he said smiling. "But I need to go now. Don't get too lazy, Elle."

"You too," I said.

I looked at him as he turned and went away. I only then noticed that he was limping. I wondered, where did he get the limp from.

"I guess you ain't going to be a runner," Minho said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Why's that?" I asked confused.

"To be a runner, you must do all these things but you just gave up."

"Well... then yes..." I said and laughed.

"So if you're not going to be a runner you can do what you want for the rest of the day. Go get a shower and then do something...I don't know."

"Yes, sir," I said and laughed. "See you later."

Then I headed to the showers.

Hey guys, this was a little bit shorter part than usually. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you! Bye

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