Chapter 3.13

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Hello hello to my beautiful readers! Did you know that you're all gorgeous? Well, if no one told you toady, you're beautiful and you have a great ass. 

So this entire book will be coming to an end within five or so chapters. I can't wait to start the new book with y'all and I hope you all love it too. This all means more to me than you could ever imagine. Writing took me out of a really dark place that I previously was in and with all of your support, I have never been in that place again, so thank you. 

So without further ado, here is chapter 3.13! HERE WE GO! 


"Dylan, seriously, if I find you with one more bottle of beer, I'm confiscating your entire bank account," Noah snapped as he yanked the bottle from my hand and dumped it down the sink. "I get that you might need to drink, but you're not becoming an alcoholic over this." 

"Awe, come on Noah, I'm not allowed to have a drink with my friend?" I pined for the beer that he just dumped in the sink. I missed its bitter taste down my throat even though I had just sipped from it not ten seconds ago. 

"Maybe ask me that question when your entire place doesn't reek," he said as he sat down in the chair across from mine with a cherry pie he had picked up from Walmart. I looked from the pie to him, raising an eyebrow. "What? I thought we could use it? Am I not allowed to bare gifts?"

"No, it's just.... never mind," I said as I opened the box and took a slice out. "So, what's up?" I asked through a full mouth of pie. 

"Oh, nothing, just the end of the world," he said as if he was in a sitcom. 


"Nothing... Uh... Just life, you know? Obviously you have been drinking your little heart out," he said with a giggle like we were both teenage girls. 

"Dude, don't patronize me, you know how hard it's all been on me lately," I grumbled. 

"First off, I'm not patronizing you. Secondly, you're wallowing in your own self-pity right now. I get that Lauren was real special to you and everything, but you're acting like she fucking died or something. Calm the fuck down and get over yourself. You gotta move on. It's been, what, more than a month? Pull yourself together, man," Noah said. It was the hard truth that I knew I needed to hear, but he could of put it a little more delicately than he did. I replied by stuffing an entire slice of pie in my face. 

"Whatever," I whispered, acting like a hormonal teenager, crossing my arms and pouting at the ground. I didn't even care that I hadn't been acting like myself lately nor that it was insanely odd that I've been wallowing for a time that should be way too long. 

Noah, however, rolled his eyes. "Oh, get over yourself and stop the pity train. Yeah, you're upset and I get that, but you need to learn how to cope with this shit and not sit around like a sack of potatoes. I mean, you guys were close and I know it must be tough that Lauren's got this blind date coming up and--" 

"Wait, what?" I interjected, my heart skipping a beat in terror. 

"What?" Noah asked, blinking rapidly. 

"Did you just say that Lauren has a blind date coming up?" I asked in a hushed voice. The last time she saw me-- which was only about two weeks ago--  she was an emotional wreck. Even if she was doing better, how could she be ready to put herself back on the market like that? 

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