Chapter 2.6

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Well this is that point in the story where you get to stop guessing. No, not about who ends up with who. But what Savanna is truly like. Yes folks, this is the chapter where she will be introduced, and I hope her bitchiness will suffice your hopes and dreams.

So I recently went to the library (big shock) and I found an unread John Green book, Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Of course, it's John Green, so I picked it up. And in the car, I realized it was THE FUCKING SIGNED COPY. Oh yes, I have John Green's autograph in a library book. Yeah, they are not getting that gem back.

But something actually inside the book caused some inspiration in my own noggin. There was a note inside the novel on a bright, blue sheet of paper in an obvious man's handwriting, reading, "One of my favorite books of all time. I hope this note will precariously set high expectations for your reading experience of one god, John Green. And I am elated to inform you, you will not be disappointed. -Jim."

I have no idea who Jim is, or why he would write. But it got me thinking about soulmates and how easily people are put in your life. Was it just coincidence that I happened to pick up that specific book in that specific place with that specific note? This Jim could be someone inconsequential in my life, or he could be the one who makes it special. So, of course, I'm going to try and write about it. Hopefully if I finish it and deem it worthy, I might place it on here for the public consent.

So without further ado, here is chapter 2.6. And I hope you all find your Jim's out there someday. Maybe I found mine, maybe I didn't. Only time will tell if he's important or not.

But as The Doctor told me, no one is ever unimportant.


"No, Noah, you cannot use sugar as a substitute for flour," I rolled my eyes, rubbing my temples. Cooking with him was probably what hell was. You would think a twenty-something guy who lives by himself would somewhat know the difference between flour and sugar, a cup and a pint, cooking spray and vegetable oil. But not Noah. 

"You say it like it's obvious!" he protested.

"That's because it is!" I almost yelled, yanking the bag of sugar out of his hands and placing it across the room so his evil little hands couldn't tamper with the brownies we were making for his sick neighbor. He called me over about an hour ago, begging me to do something special for his old neighbor who just had heart surgery. I did not sign up for this hell of baking with Noah though.

"Okay, oh master chef, any other expert advice I need to know before I fuck this up any more than I did?" he asked, bowing to me in his stupid apron he bought at Goodwill only minutes ago.

"Yeah, you leave the eggs in whole. The shell gives the brownies the flavor they have," I said sarcastically. The scary part was Noah looked at me as though I was giving him the code for nuclear bombs, and almost lunged for the eggs to throw them in the batter when he realized I wasn't being serious.

"That was evil," he pouted. I laughed hollowly.

"It's common sense Noah! I have no fucking idea how you haven't mixed up peroxide and milk yet!" I yelled, slapping him with an oven mit. 

"My my, isn't someone on her period today," Noah teased. He stuck his finger in his bowl of flour and tapped my nose. He must of seen the slight shock on my face, because he blushed and immediately looked at my feet. "Sorry, just thought it would... make sense..." he mumbled. I felt the burn on my cheeks, the red reflected from his indigo eyes. Why must he do these absolutely adorable things, be the perfect man, yet have a girlfriend? The predicament was almost a blow to my stomach. It was tough, these last three months or so, to just pretend with Noah. Just pretend I was only his friend, just pretend that attempt of a kiss at Eli's never happened.

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