Chapter 8

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Guess who's on summer vacation? THIS GAL. I don't know how I'll be able to update as much when school starts around because I play volleyball and it's all day. So you might not hear from me much in about four months...

You guys who read and voted for this story are the best. I could never imagine the success it had so quickly. I mean, 500 reads and 20 votes in two months? What is this madness?

On another note, my sister just made a Wattpad account and is now reading my fanfic. I am scared.


That is all.

So here's Chapter 8. Whomp.


I threw a pillow at Noah's head. "So, what do you think?" he grunted. "Or are you going to be a fat lard and not answer?"

He sat up. "I dunno. You barely know these people, why do you want to throw a party?" He ruffled his hair with his hand.

I rolled my eyes. "It's already messed up enough, why do you keep fucking doing that?" He shrugged. God, sometimes I could just kill him. I took a deep breath. "Well they're kind of my idols."

"I mean, I sorta remember you watching their shit. But why invite all of them if you only really know that lover boy of yours?"

"His name is Joe, and no, I made... other friends too. Like Dylan and Meredith."

Noah gave me a skeptical look. "Oh really? Hoe much do you hang out with Dylan and Meredith?" he put special emphasis on their names.

"I hung out with Dylan last week and I text Meredith about every day!" I countered. I hated when Noah questioned me like this. It annoyed the shit out of me.

"Speaking of which, I want to see what this Joe character looks like. How do you know he's not a serial killer or obsessed with cats or something?" I smiled at my exact fears on Joe about a month ago.

"Well he does like cats..." I saw Noah chuckle as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed my pictures to him.

"Holy shit, how many pictures have you guys taken together?"

"Only, like, four!" I said, my face turning red. 

"I don't like him," he said with a scowl on his face. 

"How do you know only based on pictures?" I smacked his knee.

"He looks like a douche!" I gave him a look as if to say, elaborate. "He's tall. And too muscly. And I don't like his teeth either, gaps mean someone is shady." I laughed at his outlandishness. "Oh, and I don't like that he wears hats all the time? What could he be hiding behind the cap? Baldness? Herpes or the hair follicles? Maybe... his mistress?"

"Noah, shut the fuck up," I groaned, placing a pillow on my head. "Just because someone wears hats and has a gap in their teeth doesn't mean their shady? And you're big and tall and muscly too, does that make you a douche? 'Cuz you're acting like one now!"

"There's always that one odd one in the mix. I, as opposed to this Joseph character, am a perfectly normal man who is all around sexy and perfect." I laughed under my pillow, then threw it at his head again.

"But will you please come to the party? You can maybe meet someone new..." I said, my voice rising.

"I have a girlfriend," he grunted.

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