Chapter 2.8

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Holy shit this is ending waaay faster than I expected. Along with this, there will only be one more chapter of Jaime/Noah POV! It all ended so quickly ehmagersh why do people still read this who are you majestic unicorns what is this thing I call my life?

So I left you for a bit of a cliffhanger and you won't be disappointed at this one too heuheuheuheu.



Why is light so... light? If you had to describe what light exactly was to a blind person, you wouldn't be able to do it normally. It's just... light.


I groaned, turning to my side, trying to save my poor brain from third-degree burns. I couldn't even remember last night much. Maybe that wasn't the best thing, but right now I truly did not care. All I wanted was to try and obtain darkness, to rid my mind from the seemingly magnified sun rays from my window. I didn't even care I heard soft breathing next to me...

My eyes shot open. Holding my breath, there was a body blocking my view from the rest of the room, and it was in my bed with me. I grunted again, jerking away, but in doing so I fell clean off the mattress with a loud thud. My hangover was completely forgotten as I peered over the side of the bed. I recognized that shaggy brown hair, but I didn't want to believe it. I tiptoed to the other side, bending over to catch a good look at his face...

It was Noah. In my bed. My hand covered my mouth so he wouldn't wake up. There was a sickening feeling in my stomach, pulling at my gut as if it were threatening to throw up. My head was spinning but I knew the side effects from last night were worn off. This could not be happening. There is no way this is possible. Why is this happening to me?

My eyes desperately scoured the room. Nothing looked broken, but one glance at the floor suggested otherwise. Clothes, mine mixed with his, littered the floor. No, it couldn't be that, I tried to tell myself. There was no way we... I glanced down, discovering I was only wearing a bra. I covered my crotch even though I knew there was no way Noah would wake up to see it. But what if he already got an eye-full last night?

I swallowed the vomit rising in my mouth. There was no way we had sex last night. No. It was impossible. With another nauseating lurch I recalled a conversation between us a few days ago at lunch:

"You're gonna laugh when I tell you," Noah said sheepishly. It was the first time I had actually seen him embarrassed at anything. His face was bright red, insistently staring at his pancakes.

"Whatever you say, it can't be that bad," I said with a reassuring smile on my face.

He made a choking sound before he blurted out, "I'm a virgin." There was a stiff silence as his head remained down.

"Why would I laugh at that?" I asked softly.

"I dunno, I usually get grief for it. It's just... I never saw the importance of it before marriage. I mean, I wanna stay chastic. It's the least I can do to dispel this douche-bag mantra most guys seem to uphold."

"Yeah, because you're totally a douche," I said sarcastically. Noah didn't respond. "Look, I think that's actually insanely sweet. Live up to it, man. You'll find the girl."

He finally looked up at me, a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Something tells me I'm not far from it."

I groaned yet again. I was the one who ruined Noah's chastic values. I am such a whore. I slapped my hand on my forehead. What will I tell him? He has a girlfriend and then he goes, gets drunk and has sex with me! My memory faded when we exited the taxi last night. I had no recollection of it, so hopefully he would be too.

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