Chapter 9

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SO YEAH I GOT DARREN CRISS TICKETS. HUZZAH. I can't believe I'm seeing him June 14, which is this fucking week! He is one of my idols, and I'm seeing him! Like WTFUCK?

So all I've been doing is listening to his songs, trying to memorize every one of them. Not going so well cuz he has about fifteen fucking songs.

So anyway, as you may know, this fic is rated R now. Craziness, I know! It's, you know, not bad yet. But it will be smutty. Oh yes, smut will happen.

So enjoy the party! Although it may not be for long, with all the drama...

(Can someone tell me what foreshadowing is?)


I answered the door to Darren Freaking Criss. I dreamed of the day for years that he would just show up and we would watch the Breakfast Club and make sweet passionate love. But he was invited to my party, and my first guest. Holy motherfucking balls sweat of Wizard God.

"Eli!" he said, giving me a tight hug. He was only an inch taller than me, so I could feel his stubble and crazy hair on my forehead. He was wearing a Cub Scout uniform and smelled like ice.

"Hey Darren!" I said on the side of his ear. "You excited for your tour to start?" I asked. He broke apart from me, ruffling his curly mass of hair. I wanted nothing more than to run my hands through it, just for the hell of it.

"Yeah, I mean, I leave next week. I'm exciting for the actual shows, but not the touring. Not a big fan of buses," he admitted to me once we walked inside. "Cool place, dude!" he said, pounding my back. I coughed as I tried to regain my breath. "Sorry man..."

"You're good..." I wheezed. Joe walked up, hugging Darren, as I found myself alone. Dylan was in the bathroom, and I didn't want to intrude on Joe and Darren's guy conversation, so I was almost thrilled when a knock came from my door. I hurried to see Noah at the door in his old Thomas the Tank-engine costume from years ago that was way too small for his muscles.

"Hello brother," I said in a Pointdexter voice.

"Hello seester," he responded in the derpish fashion. "God, not many people here. Now where's--" he stopped mid-sentence, wide eyed, staring in the direction of Joe and Darren.

"Noah?" I asked cautiously. "You in there?" I turned around and followed his gaze. "Oh, that's--" He cut me off my forcefully dragging my to my dining room. "Dude!?" I almost yelled.

"Shut the fuck up. That's... That's Darren Criss." he said in a nervous whisper.

"Yeah? So?"

"You didn't tell me Blaine fucking Anderson would be here!" he said as if the world was collapsing into itself.

"Well yeah, he's everyone's friend and--" I stopped myself. "Wait. Did you just call Darren...?" I saw Noah turn red. A wide grin played on my face. "No fucking way."

"Shut up Eli! It's a good show!"

"You fucking watch Glee?" I almost yelled. He forced his hand over my mouth, shielding me from saying something too loud.

"I saw the preview, thought I should give it a try, I'm obsessed," he said in a deadly whisper. He leaned in even closer and breathed, "Klaine is my OTP."

At that, I burst out in laughter. My brother, that cool guy who has his fantasy football team and a keg in his place, watches Glee? And even knows what a fucking OTP is? I swore I was dreaming or drunk, which I knew I was neither.

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