Chapter 14

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Well hello darlings! I hope you liked the last chapter! A lot of love and cheesy quotes. Just the way y'all like your fanfic.

Soon, I'll start up with volleyball. It'll be difficult to post with all the practice. And especially when school starts, I'll be at school to practice until 6:00, and game nights last 'til 10:00. So don't expect much updating from about August-October. I'm so sorry you little raunchy fangirls.

My Doctor Who fanfic is under wraps, but it'll be posted soon. Hopefully it'll be totally awesome. And the only sneak peak of it is the title: Geronimo. EXCITEMENT. Once again, I posted this A/N before I actually posted it. Whoopsies

So here we go! (Cue Hey Kendra...) And if any of you got that reference, I will dedicate the next chapter to you.


"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Why do people say hello as an introduction?"

"Well I don't fucking know Dylan! What do you want them to say?"

"I dunno, they could say their name or something?"

"Eli Kanesne?" I smiled into the phone. "Sounds kinda hostile. And if you have a real shitty name, you'll have to deal with that every time the phone rang. I went to school with a guy named Gunther Schwinkendorf."

Dylan laughed his smooth laugh in the line. "You never cease to entertain me. Which is why, in fact, I'm calling. Wanna come over? I got this movie I think you'll like."

Immediately, red flags were arisen. I only liked Dylan as a friend. And I wasn't sure if he was in the same boat as me. Joe's warning was blaring in my head. Don't get too cozy to him. Don't trust him. He will play you like a fiddle.

"Sure Dyl."

"Don't call me Dyl."

"Okay Dyl. What time?"

"Now okay?" he asked, his voice raising an octave for some reason. Like some date. Stop it Eli, you like Dylan just as a friend. But think back to your first date with Joe. Isn't that what you said before? God, I'm just making things confusing for myself.

"Yeah, ah, text me your address. You live in Lauren's neighborhood, right? I'll just find my way."

"Cool. Allons-y," Dylan said.

"Holy shit wait whoa wait. Did you just make a Doctor Who reference? I fucking love you to pieces, Dylan Saunders."

"Finally! Another Whovian! Well, we'll talk when you get here about the basic principles and such. A-buh-bye my buddy."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye you nerd." Part of me was excited, knowing he was into the same things I was. This could be fun. But the other part of my was guilty. The last time we saw each other was when he confessed he had feelings for me on my front door. I know him and Joe still aren't where they were in the past. And it was really, all my fault. If I hadn't of waltzed into the picture, those two would still be best friends.

Stop thinking like that, Eli.

Just as if it was on cue, my phone rang again. This time it was Joe. I swallowed down my guilt and answered. "Hello?"

"Why hello my dear girlfriend." Again, my guilt. But why should I feel ashamed? Joe doesn't own me. "I was thinking of going out to the cinema and catching the Superman movie? It would be my honor to escort you."

Shit. Great timing. "Uh... you're actually just a bit too late. I was gonna see a movie with..." Don't say Dylan. Don't say Dylan. "Georgia. You know, the British one from my party." I fibbed over. God, I am such a terrible person.

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