Chapter 5

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Wow! Over 100 reads! Thanks guys! I never thought it would this successful this quickly! So merci beaucoup to y'all!

Today, I finished The Fault in Our Stars. And I can honestly say it was the first book to make me cry. Don't get me wrong, Snape and Fred's death in the 7th made me tear up. But not cry. And I lend my hand out to John Green. You truly are an amazing writer.

Okay, enough sucking people's asses. Time for the story!

~Tootsie Megagirl


"Eli, don't freak. It'll be okay!" Joe repetitively reminded me as he drove. "You'll be fine!"

"Yeah, you're one to talk! You try meeting every one of your fucking idols in one day in one room!" I said a little shrilly. My leg, no matter what position I held it, jerked up and down. It caused my white shorts to jiggle, my heart leaping out of my mint button down.

"You didn't freak out like this when you met me!"

"That's cuz that's you and it's them!" I teased. Joe chuckled.

"Get out of the fucking car."

"Fat chance Walker."

"You aren't worthy to be in my presence Kanesne."

I placed my hand on his thigh as he drove. I felt my heart calm and fasten at the same time. Joe was driving us to a party Lauren was hosting at her house. And people were going to be there! Earlier Joe ran off the list of who: Darren. Dylan. Meredith. Lauren. Joey. Jaime. Jim. Denise. Jeff. Both Brian's. Julia. Nick. Just thinking about it made me want to roll down the window and throw up out of Joe's truck. It was enough to try and keep my composure when meeting Joe, add more and I'm a lost case.

But Joe kept ensuring me everyone would love me, I would fit in perfectly, I had no reason to worry, blah blah blah. But I mean, these people literally were my role models. And how could I not have a fangirl attack by their very presence?

Okay, Eli, calm yourself. It'll be okay. Joe is here. And he wouldn't invite me to a party where he wouldn't think I would like anyone, or anyone would like me? Right?

I decided to focus on the passing by streets of Chicago. It was a shitty day for a party; it was gloomy and dark, raining on and off all day. I watched the suburbs turn into the city with more vandalized facades than houses. Joe turned into a development of ranches. It would be a cute nook of the city if it wasn't for the rain and puddles of standing water in the lawns.

The amount of cars parked started accumulating as Joe pulled into a free spot. This stretch of the street was all small ranches with large yards. He took my hand as we ambulated on the damp sidewalk; he was explaining the couple situation.

"Well, Joey is dating a girl named Maria. Jeff is with Tay. We think Nick is seeing someone, but he's not fessing up. Oh, and Brian and Meredith." I fought the urge to yell "OTP!" as I walked. Joe turned us into a small brick ranch with a garage behind. There were tulips planted along the walkway and a large apple tree planted by the side. There was one big window, showing two people with drink in hand talking. I took a deep breath as Joe led me up the stairs.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Just fine and dandy," I tried to respond with a smile. But I was hyperventilating on the inside. I mean, Joe was taking me to a party with every single one of my idols in the history of role models! How could I try to keep my composure around them? What if they didn't like me like Joe thought would happen? What if Joe is so compelled by his friends' decisions that he would choose to dump me?

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