Chapter 2.3

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I know last chapter sucked royal hippogriff. Like I said before, sometimes you just need to work through writer's block, that there's no way around it. It is one of my biggest pet peeves to be working on a story, to have the picture clear in my head but not being able to translate it into words.

HOLY SHIT I HAD AN EPIPHANY. Peeves the Poltergeist is like pet peeve, because it's the thing that annoys you the most. Call me vapid, but I never realized that before.

So, you see the commercials on the TV (or tele... tely... teley... if you're British). It's time to go back to school! Yay, right?

NOT YAY. I am not looking forward to Geometry, to waking up at the asscrack on dawn, not getting home until 8:00 because of volleyball. But, alas, if I do wish to become a writer, I must be educated. Seems pretty counter productive though, right? I should be spending time writing, not learning formulas and opening the guts of frogs.

Okay, now I'm depressed. Here's chapter 2.3


To text or not to text, that is the question.

I was having another one of my analytical debates in my head. But this wasn't just a debate, it was a full out war. I had Noah's number, yet he didn't have mine.

To the passing bystander, it would be no big deal. Just text him and move on with your life. But it was so much more than that, and I didn't care that I felt like I was back in high school.

If I texted him, that would make me seem too gun-ho. I had been the one stupid enough to try and kiss him yesterday. He already knew I harbored feelings for him, and if I texted him, they would be confirmed. He was so vehement against cheating. Plus, I could never put myself in a situation that would hurt a relationship, no matter how cute I thought Noah was. He had a girlfriend, and there was no way around it.

Yet if I didn't text him, that would make me seem like a coward. Someone who only looks to the past, someone unable to move past awkward experiences. Noah just wanted to be friends, and if I never text him he wouldn't even have the opportunity for that.

I sighed, unhappy with both arguments. I knew, when I starred at my phone, I wouldn't text him. There was too much of a chance that it would tear apart a couple. Even though Noah wants out of that relationship, I couldn't have a healthy conscience knowing I broke them up.

But at the same time, sometimes I wished I would be more daring in life. I was always known as that sweet girl, the nice girl, the one who gives you your way even if it sacrifices her happiness. I was too much of a pushover. Too many situations passed where I was not enjoying life as much as I could just because I let other people have their way. They couldn't see it on my face, but it pissed me off. It really does. Something great comes along and I let someone else have all the glory because I don't want them to be like me: a shadow.

My brain told me to forget Noah, but every other aspect of my body fought that. I didn't want to just let him go. He's the one who approached me and showed interest. For once in my life, I could take the imitative and trust my gut and heart. I could finally leave the background I had become so accustomed to and enjoyed the spotlight. Not the artificial one on stage, but the real attention in the real world.

During this debate with my own head, my thoughts kept darting to those eyes of his. I never knew someone could possess such a rich color and still be considered "blue". It's the only physical aspect that differentiated Noah and Eli. They had the same dimples, the same long nose, the same earlobes. But Eli had almost gray eyes while Noah's were shades of violet and indigo and sapphire. So many layers, so much complexity, it made me wonder if Noah's personality was as deep as his eyes. 

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