Chapter 12

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This is the strangest night of my life. I get a call from a fan who I decide to meet up with then I hit her with my car. She ends up in the hospital and now we were forced to play truth or dare? God what next, candy falls out of the sky? "I can't believe this is happening." I mutter and study Mistys wrists, her arms neck, all those marks and cuts....what do people put her through.... I take her off guard and lightly take her hand. Her friends all giggled. My eyes met hers and we had a sudden understanding, "later " her eyes said, as in when her friends have to leave to go back home since it was a Sunday. Why have a sleepover on a Sunday? A bit strange maybe they have a two hour delay? Anyway I nodded and excused myself to call my other bandmates from Pierce The Evil.

I dial them up one not answering, and put us in a group chat.

Me: hey guys I have a small thing going on right now and I can't work at the moment I don't know when I'll be back but yeah...

Mike: dude what's going on?

Tony: you okay?

Me: yeah I'm fine I just hit one of our fans with my car and I want to make sure she gets well...

Mike: you hit a girl with a car?!

Me: yeah...

Tony: was she?

Me: okay? Yes she is seriously injured though. I'm in a hospital with her.

Mike: well you screwed up but alright. Go back to her.

Me: you don't have to be dramatic.

I replied and hung up. When I go back into the room everyone is saying bye to one another decided to just go back home to their own houses. I tell Misty ill be back bright and early but to text me. She nods but she was almost asleep, "night.." I say softly and close the door after the other girls leave as well.

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