Chapter 6

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I was falling asleep by 9:30. My eyes were heavy and suddenly a cold hand was laid on her arm. I jumped, my eyes wide and looking. I saw Sara and slanted my eyes a bit. Everyone said I looked more like her sister than her own.

I didn't bother me at all just I thought is was cool my best friend is like my twin sister. "Your falling asleep," she pointed out the obvious. "Do you want to play a few games?" I nod tiredly and look at Victoria. "Doing something else?" She asked, her voice loud from us having such a long period of time without taking. Sara nodded and handed me a RedBull. I sip it and my eyes fly open.

We got together in a circle and there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Sara called. Misty groaned as her sister came in and spoke in a sober voice, "Not you!"

Her sister glared. "What are you children doing?"

"About to play truth or dare." Sara said calmly. Rose shot her a look, eyes wide and- scared? I nodded at her and whispered in Sara's ear. "What about the warning? We ought to follow it, she seemed to know what she was talking about." I bit my lip hard, the salty taste of my own blood filling my mouth. Sara looked at me, disbelief on her face.

"Your kidding right?" she whispered, "I would have expected this from the others but not from you. Come on I bet she was just trying to scare us. No harm."

I sigh, "fine."

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