Chapter 13

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My heart is racing as I get dressed for school. I started shrugging on my pink Floyd Tshirt and straightened it out, the hem almost reaching the edge of her black shorts. One word was replaying in my head right then. Seth. Seth. Seth. I can't believe I have to ask out the hottest guy (to me) in school in a date... His ice blue eyes.... I sigh and pick up my book, It by Stephen King, and zip it away in my backpack. Seth rides my bus and we sometimes sit together on the bus but not always. "NAT YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" My mother shrieks and I sling my backpack onto my shoulders. I run downstairs and grab a still warm biscuit from the counter. The butter was gooey and warm, dripping from two flakey pieces of light fluffy bread. I ran out the door and sprinted tithe bus stop, inhaling the biscuit. I decided at lunch ill ask him out, I will ask out Seth Ross.

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