Chapter 34

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I wear a black dress that comes out at the end. I have a white cover up going along with it, my hair in a bun. I feel nervous and look at myself in the mirror. "Your honor I will like to step in at this point." Misty has been practicing all morning long. She was nervous and edgy and certainly didn't love going to court. Misty took a deep breath and slipped into heals. She would never would have been caught dead with this outfit but she had to look nice. 'Everyone will be there,' she thought, 'they will be my witnesses..' I smile to myself and start the car. I back out and drive to the court house. They scan me two extra times to make sure I didn't have anything with me to hurt anyone. Once I walk in the courtroom I kept my head down and walked to my seat. My lawyer had all my evidence against Rose and way more that what I really looked into. I hope I win this fight... 10:30 hits and my stomach clenched. "Order in the court!" I judge yelled out and everyone silenced. "We are here today for the trial of Mistia Sparks assaulting Rosalie Parks. Rosalie will you step to the stand."

"Yes your honor." She said sweetly. I felt total disgust. "First I would like to say thank you for taking this so seriously your honor. Mistia has been a trouble maker since she was fourteen and claimed her mother abused her. I was nice enough to believe her and love look it. I was nice and caring to her and," she wiped away a fake tear, "I was so worried when she didn't show up to school and she beat me up! Right in front of everyone in the parking lot of the school!" She fake sobbed. The judge turned to my Lawyer, "feel free to step in."

My lawyer stood. "I will your honor because this is a show! I have evidence against Rosalie for why she should be sued for 10,000 dollars! Mistia was defending herself, these are all messages between people Rose has talked to, or most importantly what she done the night before this scene took place! Starting before that night Rosalie was mad at Misty I'm assuming and wrote this your honor!" My lawyer handed the note to the judge. When did my suing price go up? "Worse she gave it to everyone at school early in the morning. Through there lockers!"

The judge looked at Rose, "is this true you wrote this?"

Rose looked dumbfounded.

"I would never!"

My lawyer laughed, "Well about two weeks ago you left your computer in class and couldn't find it until now." I mouth at Rose 'Surprise' as my lawyer holds up her computer and logs on. "If you didn't do it why is there a word document saying 'Revenge on Misty.' And has this note in it word for word. It's dated the night before when it was created." He showed the judge and he also put up his finger. "Wait till you hear this conversation between Rose and Misty's best friend Victoria. Misty, would you do the honors?" I smile at him. "I would love to!" I clear my voice and start, " Victoria: I'm really worried about you know who would have done this to her?

Rose: want me to let you in on a secret?

Victoria: Rose what is it...

Rose: I was the one who done this.. The look on her face was hysterical!

Me: oh my God! How could you have done this to her?!

Victoria: you mean you did this to her?!

Rose: are you telling me you were actually that freaks best friend?!

Victoria: YES I am telling Misty

Rose: don't care what's she going to do about it? Cry to her mommy? That's right, her mom doesn't care. "

I sit down and Rose is speechless. "Any defense Rosalie?"

She stood, "Yes! That conversation was made up!"

I stand "really? Do I need Victoria to pull it up on her phone?"

Rose pales. My therapist steps in. "Since what Rose has put in the letter is true it is in my contract to keep that information out of the public. Little did she know it was government information and she just relied on rumors as well. Looks like a closed case to me judge." The judge nods. "Yes it seems to be. Mistia Sparks I declare you innocent for you having to defend yourself. Rosalie Sparks will be sued for 10,000 dollars." My side of the court room gives away to cheering and everyone crowds me. I love this feeling even if its for a little bit. I feel a kiss on my cheek, "I knew my best friend could do it." Vic murmured into my ear.

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