Chapter 5

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I laugh holding my hand over my mouth to keep my food from escaping. We've been telling old stories from our child hoods and they've been quite entertaining while eating pizza. I pull my very white blonde sugary hair over my shoulders. I watch my pale hand extend for my second piece of pizza and grab a slice of cheese.

"Well when I was younger," I start out , "my dad used to hide everywhere. Bathrooms, bedrooms, attic, basement, all those creepy places. So when I would walk by he would jump out, pick me up, and run through out the house. Once he banged my head against the banister." Everyone at the table burst out laughing, Rose holding her hand to her mouth like how I was.

After we ate we raided Sara's movie collection and were to take a vote. We found our horror movie; The Conjuring, and our oldie; 16 Candles.

This is what our tally marks looked like for which we should watch first;

Horror: |||

16 Candles:|||| /

"Makes sense, I mean the horror movie we can watch late at night." Misty reasons, and I agree. We pop in 16 Candles and sit back to watch the movie.

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