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Ariela POV

"You know, Marcus should be the one here." Dayja said, sitting with me in the waiting room of the doctors office.

Today is my first appointment and I'm excited. I sort of miss being pregnant and having a little baby around. Rochelle isn't a baby no more. She is so advanced and into so many things. That little girl probably speaks better Spanish than me.

"Fuck Marcus and his cheating ass." I scuffed.

"That is still the father of your kids and you know that he loves you."

"If he loved me so damn much then he wouldn't be sneaking around. I'm over carrying his fourth child he wants to go mess around. Ok!" I chuckled.

"Don't forget that you haven't even told him that your pregnant." Dayja reminded me.

"The rate he is going, he isn't gonna know until my stomach starts to get huge and I can't cover it up anymore. Believe that!" I said. She sighed and continued going through the maternity magazine.

"I can't wait to find out what I'm having. Jordan and Darien are praying for a boy. Like seriously, they put it in grace and nightly prayers. It's ridiculous. I know I'm carrying my little princess right now." She said smiling. I wish I had their perfect relationship.

"I know that my niece is rolling around in there. This baby I'm carrying better be a boy. The whole thing with Jaleny is stressful and it makes me feel like a bad mother. With a boy the only thing I really have to worry about is them getting a hoe pregnant.

Jerome POV

"Romeo, can you come help me?" Rochelle asked, peeking her head in to my room.

"Oh my god she is adorable! Her hair!" This chick squealed. I rolled my eyes and got off my bed.

I barely know this chick honestly. I just know it's easy to get a quick fuck out of her. I'm just trying to get some head but the fam is home.

"What you need help with?" I asked her. She invited herself in to my room and in to my closet.

"Well I'm doing this school project. It's a project of my choice and I chose fashion." She said as she went through my clothes.

I don't mind because she is adorable while doing it and I'm her favorite sibling so.

"Ok, how can I help you with that?" I asked, putting her crazy hair in to a ponytail because I can barely see her face.

"What's her name?" This chick...uhm......Carla?

"If your asking about me, I am Rochelle Wright." Rochelle said spinning around to face the girl.

"Well I'm Charlie but everyone calls me Cherry."

"Cherry is a hoe name so get the hell out my face." Rochelle said holding her hand up. She rolled her eyes and continued going through my clothes.

"Your little sister is disrespectful." Cherry said. I looked at her up and down and shook my head.

"You can see yourself out." Rochelle said. My baby sister plays zero games.

"You listen here little girl.."

"No you listen here. You are no Giselle and that's the only girl I respect being with my brother. Don't call me Falta de respeto, porque te puedo faltarle el respeto en un conjunto la otra lengua. Yo podría ser los siete años pero no soy un bebé. Dije ver usted mismo fuera así que vea usted mismo fuera. Hoe. Bye." She said. Oh my god, Rochelle is a little bad ass child.

I was just laughing there while Cherry was looking confused.

"Your just going to let her talk about me in a different language?" She asked me. I shrugged and calmed down.

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