Part 38

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Chapter 38

Kristina POV

It's been a month since I had my surprise baby shower and now I'm all excited about my wedding. It's happening in a few more days. I honestly can not wait. I can't wait to actually live with Leo to actually call him my husband. He'll be all mines. And I will truly call him mines. I'll be tied down to him for life.

Is this what true happiness feels like?

And ever since that day my lil sister Serena and I are very close now. She's the one along with mom helping me find my wedding dress right now. My mom held onto Tiff as Rena helped me fit into one dress.

My bump is really showing now. No longer hiding the fact that she's almost here. I still can't believe that I'm having the next baby girl again. Not that I'm not happy but I was kinda hoping for a boy.

"You feel comfortable in this?" She Asked for the fifth time.

Looking at how frustrated she's getting I nod my head. Lied. I don't actually feel comfortable but really how could I be when I'm pregnant? That dress is way too heavy to walk around in but I like the design of it tho.

" Stop lying Kris, I can see by the look on your face that you feel far from comfortable in that" says mom eyeing me in the dress with Tiff bouncing on her lap.

I took that moment to acknowledge that just yesterday Tiffany was a small infant in her hands and now she's a big girl bouncing on her lap. Time flies fast, wow! They truly will have an even better bond. I can already see that.
Tiffany smiles at me saying , "Mama. Mama!!"

"Yes baby!"I said blowing a kiss her way.

"Take it off Kris, you're not comfortable" says Rena interrupting my little moment.

I agreed with them and got back into the changing booth and she once again helped me get undressed. The servant who's helping us with the dress came back with another dress. I took my time to check the dress out. It's indeed beautiful and has less layers of cloth on it and a bit shorter. I like it and it looks very comfortable.

Without further due , " I'll take it" I said not caring about anyone's comment.

"Are you sure? You haven't even tried it on yet" says a very tired Rena.

"Yes I'm sure, I like it and plus it looks very comfortable if you ask" I said.

I'm not hearing any of their comments. It's final I'm taking that dress. Now all I need is the shoes to go along with it. I'm not wearing heels because I'm heavy now and won't risk my daughter's life with heels.

"Well alright, how much is it?" Mom Asked the girl.

"It's 5,000 ma'am!" She says,

"Okay" Says my sis.


We got the dress and headed home. It was all packed up in a black suit. Well looks like it'll be in a good hidden spot until the actual day. I can't let Leo see it until the big day!

Sighing I threw myself on my bed, I feel so drained right now. I hate having to try on things, it's honestly too much work. Especially with all those heavy material dresses I had to try on. I lay on the bed for a couple of mins and then I heard my phone beeped. I lazily took out my phone and checked it. But before even looking at it, I carelessly drop the phone beside me on the bed. I'm too tired to look at the text message right now.

I got up and crawled to the top of the bed where my pillow sat and rested myself there. I'm so tired my eyelids became so heavy. Sleepy I am now, I carelessly give in to the deep slumber.

Ignoring my phone ring tone. I closed my eyes and drifted off in my sleep placing my right hand on my bump.


"It's your time to feel it bitch!" Shouts Crystal,

Looking everywhere to see where she's at, I still can't find her but I hear her voice. I felt sharp pain going throughout my body as I heard someone screaming. I held to the alley wall as I lumped around. Where  am I?

" Yes bitch, you're finally gonna feel the pain I felt. You caused my daughter to die!!"she shouts with so much venom in her voice.

She really hates me. I held onto my baby bump as I felt a ping of dizziness drawn over my body.

I look up and about trying to figure out where she's at. But I can't see her at all. So why am I hearing her. What's going on? Where am I?

"Look down bitch!!"she says

I did exactly that and there I saw her Press her knife into my belly. And blood oozes out. And she starts to evilly laugh her heart out.

A piercing scream in agony escaped my lips "AHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO MY BABBBBBYYYY!!!!!!!!"

"Kristina wake up !!!"Shouted Leo as he shook me awake.

I look up at him and quickly look down at my bump. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I allowed all the tears to roll out. Leo hugs me as I cry my heart out. It was just a nightmare more like a daymare.

"hey hey, it was just a bad dream baby. Don't cry!" He says trying to console me.

He got on the bed and I sat up so he could cuddle me up in his arms but I still held onto my baby bump. I'll do anything to protect her. She'll forever be my baby. I'll do anything to protect Tiff and her. This is my first bad dream of being pregnant.

"Shhhh baby, it was just a dream, the baby's okay" he says and then kisses my forehead.

I probably look ugly right now crying uncontrollably. The pain felt so real. This dream felt so real I'm so afraid of the real outcome of this dream. What could this dream mean? Is my baby in danger?

I held against Leo even tighter trying my best not to hurt the baby. My baby! He reached out and rub it. A small smile crept up on my face.

"Ouch!" I felt her kick. What? She never really kicks for me unless she's hungry. Why is she all of a sudden kicking for daddy?

"Awe she knows who's daddy already! She's definitely a daddy's girl!" Says Leo happily rubbing the area she kicked at and kissed my forehead.

"I guess she will be," I said through tears as my mood lightened up. I feel much better now that I know she's still there Alive!

I hope not to have a horrible dream like this ever again. Leo holds me even tighter and now we are cuddling. I enjoy being around him all the time, I'm sure I said that before. He makes me really happy.

"I have been calling you , you know? I thought something happened to you so I rushed to get here to only find you screaming in your sleep. That really scared me baby"he says ever so softly but I was able to hear him.

Remembering the dream again  a single tear rolled down from my eyes. "It was a horrible dream babe! I was so tired"said honestly.

He kissed my forehead once again. And now he wrapped his foot with mines. His hand on the baby bump and his other hand around me. Life can't ever get any better than this right here. The only person missing is Tiffany.

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