Part 24

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Chapter 24

Kristina POV

Closing the last door of the shop, Tiffany came up in my mind. Oh how much I miss my baby girl. I know we haven't had a bonding time yet but I'm looking forward to one with her soon.

Turning the sign to close, I walk to my car. Unlocked it and hop in. Checking the time on my watch, wow it's really late. I'm sure moma n Tiff's already asleep.

But I'm still far from home on my own.

It's been six months now since I had Tiffany. I'm still out there being the independent woman that I am. Nate passes by regularly as always. And as for Leo well I feel like our relationship is slowly falling apart.

I am so busy at work and when I get home I am so tired. And I barely have time with my daughter. I'm really getting frustrated with letting my mom watch her for me every day. She's fending for herself now. She's getting bigger and smarter day by day. And to add to it, she looks like Nate a lot now.

At work things are going well and busy. I really appreciate all my employees. They make my day easier at times. I haven't had a day to myself in days. And whenever I do get time to myself, I force myself to have some little time with Tiffany to give my mom a little break. Honestly she's the best mom ever. But I really hate overworking her.

To the top of all this, I miss Leo honestly. It feels like he doesn't care anymore. He stopped coming by. Talks to me less. Stop calling me. It's like my world is so caught up with work and Tiffany that it's starting to fall apart. Sometimes when I go to bed, I stay wide awake thinking about Leo. Thinking about how he was such a great boyfriend and was everything that I was missing. He taught me what was true love. And now that I've really thought about it, I guess it's time to get my comebacks. Being with Nate was my biggest  mistake in life. Having Tiffany for him wasn't though. She's the best blessing of my life and I will cherish her.

Finally I reached home, I parked the car and got out. Grab my purse and binder and walk to the front door with my keys swinging in my hand. All the lights in the house are out. Indicating that everyone is already asleep. So meaning I must be really quiet when I get inside.

Unlocking the door as gently as I could, I stepped in and closed the door softly making sure it made not a sound. And this is what I do every night now. Coming home late and having to be very sneaky to not wake up anyone.

Walking in the living room I drop my purse on the couch. I'm gonna grab myself a quick bedtime snack so I made my way to the kitchen.

I took out two chips and some strawberry juice and made my way upstairs to my bedroom. Placing the snacks on my nightstand, I stripped out my work clothes real quick. I got my bathing towel and went to the bathroom to have one quick shower.


After having a hot quick shower,I dried myself off and put on my pajamas. Wrapped my hair and fixed my wet towel on the little hanger in my walk in closet.
Now feeling all set for my snacks, I reached for them off my night stand and sat on my armchair and popped them in my mouth.

I don't know if it's possible but it felt like I ate those chips in one minute. That's how fast I ate them. I took sips of my juice and grabbed my phone to check out anything I missed for the day.

No miss calls
No text messages

Phone dry as fudge! . Just how I like it. (sad smile)

Getting up I walked out of the  room to Tiffany's. I miss her so much. I placed my cup down on the table close to her crib and walked round her crib and turned on her night light. She's such a hard sleeper. I watch her angelic face as she sleeps. I'm so in love with this being right here. Every time I see her I'm reminded of how much pain I've been through with her. I just love her so much. Bending over her crib, I reach to touch her face softly. I really can't believe that she's already 6 months old. My baby has grown and won't stop. Soon she'll be 5 years old before my eyes. Still can't believe that I'm a mom.

Feeling the tears building up in my eyes, I step away from her crib. I won't cry, I chant in my head, I'll be strong. It doesn't matter if I have no one else other than my family on my side. I can do it. I'll be strong for my baby.

And that is what I kept saying to myself every day. I'll be strong for Tiffany. When I'm feeling lonely or depressed I remember that I have to be strong for her. And I'll strive to be the best example ever for her.

Closing her night light, I walked out of her bedroom and wondered to myself downstairs. There's nothing to do downstairs but I'm not sleepy. I'm tired but I don't feel like laying down at the moment.

<<boom boom >> a hard quick knock came from the front door.

It's midnight, who in their right mind comes knocking on people's doors at this blessed time?

} <<bam bap >>>
"Open up Krissy, it's me" a heaving raspy voice says loudly.

And how does this stranger know my name? Being scared as a rat, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the nearest knife I could find. I started to walk towards the door slowly.

<<bap bam>> the person knocks again even louder startling me. I almost dropped the knife.

In my head I'm debating on whether I should open the door and see who it is or let the person continue knocking on the door. But really I don't want to risk the chance of that stranger disturbing my parents sleep and Tiffany's.

I tiptoed to the door with the knife in my left hand. I unlocked the door but left the string tackled meaning I'll open the door but not fully. About to open the door I start to slightly tremble.

Opening the door slightly I asked "And who the fudge are......." I was cut off by such surprise.

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