Part 31

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Chapter 31

Kristina POV

I woke to the feeling of someone biting my face, not just anyone but a tiny someone. I smiled and opened my eyes eagerly "Ah it's you my sweet baby!!"I say, grabbing her into a hug.

I have missed that girl so much!! It's been two weeks since her father had her. And believe me each passing day I've felt the pain of not having her in my arms. She snuggles up on me smiling. I embrace that feeling of being missed so much.

"You missed mama aye?"I held her up kissing her cheeks.

She started to bounce up and down clapping saying "Mama mama mia mama!!!"She chants.

"Awe my baby is learning!!"I said proudly and kissed her again.

That's when I realized she couldn't have gotten in here on her own. Nate must have brought her and Arii took her here. Speaking of Arii where is she?
Our Lady's sleepover night was surely fun!

I spine out of bed with Tiffany on my right hip. I clutched her to my chest as I made my way to the bathroom. I gently placed her on the bathroom table in front of me. She tries to reach out to everything she saw. "No mama" I said, taking her tiny brush.

Have I mentioned that she now has some teeth? Yes baby teeth and yes they're sharp. They can cause great wounds for sure. She held her hand out to her brush in my arms. I insisted on tricking her by pretending to be giving it to her, but didn't.

"Open up Tiff, say Ahh"I say open up my mouth wide so she can imitate.

"Ahhhhh ahhh"she says smiling and I patiently and gently brush her few tiny teeth I saw. After to make sure she ain't swallowed any baby paste I quickly wash out her towel in warm water and wipe the paste out her mouth. I make sure to be very careful with that.

She's such a cute baby all made from me and of course Nate. I adore her as I get her ready for her shower. She's such a small man. She hates showers so this is gonna be long.


We walked down the steps together and of course I held her the whole way. She surely loves being held. My lazy baby. But she is scrawling and taking tiny steps though. I'm still wondering if Arii is still around or? The house has been quiet all morning since I woke to Tiffany  dribbling all over my face with her tiny teeth.

"Looks like it's me and you Tiff"I said, putting her in her baby walker chair. That helps her but also makes her extra lazy. But I need her to do some walking while I throw together some breakfast for us.

To my surprise when I walked to the kitchen everything was already cooked. At the moment I remember about the little down there by the growling of hungry stomach. Oh my I've forgotten all about little one. Since I don't know the gender yet I'm calling it a little one.

I turned to the refrigerator and boom there was a note on it. I took it off and read it.

Good morning Kristina!
Nate passed this morning to bring Tiffany so I took her inside to you. I hope you had a good night sleep by the way. And also I made breakfast for you and Tiff. I don't know if Nate fed her or not but I still made something for her anyways. Look under the pot hat and you'll see her food.

And since I didn't actually know what you feel like eating today , I made few things because I know that little there is a savage okay.

Don't worry where i'm at. I went to work to sort things out. I'll be back in a few.


She's such a mess boy. She made sure to leave such a long note but look at how many things she cooked though. When and how did she do all these things on time and had time to write this note? She couldn't leave an hour ago already , she probably left like a couple minutes ago or something.

Well anyhow my baby is home and now is time for us to spend some time together. Have I mentioned that my mom had gone back home to my dad. Since she felt that I no longer needed any help she left. I'll say it again , I'm very grateful for having my mom by my side throughout this whole new motherhood thing. Without her I don't know what I would do.

"Hey Tiffany!!!Què tal chica?"I asked as I held out her warm food in my left hand.

She looked at me lost as ever in awe. She's so cute, plenty will kill for her boy. She throws her head back and smiles showing her four teeth at the front. I don't know how and why her teeth grow so fast. "Mama ma ma!!" She chants clapping her hands.

This girl here is going to be the death of me for real. I love her so much. Come here girl , and let's eat. I said holding her food out in front of her so she can walk towards it with the support of the chair. And she did sticking her 2 fingers in her mouth. I don't remember her sucking fingers before though. She'll be scolded for this because there's no way she'll be sucking germs off her fingers everyday.

I look at her and realize that I didn't put any attire on her. She's bouncing in her diaper only. Thank Goodness it's warm and not too cold or anything. She's not easy to get sick but still I can't risk any chance of that happening.

I made a mental note to put some clothes on her as soon as I'm done feeding her. Hold up , what if Nate had already bathed her and why did I bathe her again? Ah well, that's two showers in the morning for her!

"Why is she naked?" Asked a well dressed Arii in her apron.

She scared the living daylight out of me, I almost choked on my own spit. I started to cough uncontrollably and quickly placed the food down the short table before me.

It took me some time to catch myself. "Oh my God , you scared me! Ever heard of knocking?" I asked out of breath. And all Tiffany did was look at the show in front of her in awe, but started to laugh at me so did Arii.

"Seriously Kris, you didn't hear when I unlocked the door or when the car pulled up. I had your keys you know" she says walking over to Tiffany.

"Hurry up, eat and I'll feed her. We have a day to get started!"

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