Part 30

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Chapter 30


"Where were you?"was the first question I received the minute I stepped foot inside Kristina's house.

I mentally cursed myself. "I uh-umm slept at a friend's house." I half way lied, well it wasn't technically a lie. I did sleep by a friend's house.

"Oh really?"she asked, crossing her hands over her chest. I really don't see why that matters to her so much. I don't normally sleep over here on the real note. I guess she's mad because I told her that I was coming.

"Yes really" I said , I stood there nervous as ever.

"Who was that friend you stayed at last night?" She asked now uncrossing her arms and took her phone.

I nervously scratched my head , "That friend may or may have not been Crystal"

"Oh so what did y'all do??"She was now angry as ever.

"Nothing. I was helping her with a massage and lost track of time. I got really sleepy so she allowed me to sleep in the guest room."I answered honestly.

She looked at me disgustedly, and with that look I felt a pain in my heart. I also feel very guilty.

"Why?"She asked, taking me off guard.

"What do you mean?" I asked Shockley about her.

"You cheated!!"she spat out outrages.

I looked at her and chuckled. "Wow!!! So giving someone a massage is cheating now aye?"

"Leave!!!"she shouts now getting up.

"So now you're really doing this to me?"I ask.

"Go I don't want to talk anymore!"she screams

"Cool"and with that I left the house. I can't believe she kicked me out of her house like that. It's not like I live there, it's just that I can't believe she's mad at me over something I didn't even do. And she's accusing me of doing such.



Kristina POV

I look at my phone again and back at Leo retrieving back from the window.The pictures can't be fake. An unknown number sent these to me last night around 12am. It shows Leo and Crystal hugging and close to kissing , nothing more.

A tear slipped out of my eye, this is heartbreaking. First my daughter was taken from me. Who am I kidding, I haven't seen her in weeks now. I've missed her birthday, I had planned to do something fun for her birthday but Nate had a big birthday Bash for her which I wasn't invited to. Sad huh? He didn't even care to inform me about it, I guess she's more than happy with him. And now my man is cheating. This is way too much.


Why does life always do this to me?

'Well technically you were with her man before right? Karma Issa b*tch'

I mentally slapped my forehead. Now I'm being stupid , hearing voices in my head.

"Technically I did know that she and Nate were together , but I still was with him huh" I said out loud to myself.

I walked away from the window and quickly deleted all the messages from the unknown number. I don't want anything to do with cheating. I don't care about it anymore. Life sucks , I caused this for myself after all.


"Girl you deserve better!"says Arii.

We sat in the park watching the young kids play basketball on the court. We are also eating a cone full of ice cream. That's what the baby wanted. Have I really forgotten about this baby? I mean I'm not feeling anything yet and I still pretty much look the same. I guess I'm going to look the same as last time with Tiffany.

"I know, but I love him. I guess I'm willing to hear him out. But I don't know if it's now though"I said, gently throwing my head back on the bench.

She smiles and quickly licks her ice cream. She's very pretty btw. She's a short Caramel skin woman with very light brown eyes and pretty wavy hair. She's the best person I can call my best friend at the moment.

"Awe looks like someone is really in love!!"she says

"Yes I am"

"Have you heard from Nate yet?" She Asked now sitting up straight.

"Not really, he only texted to say she's doing fine."I said feeling sadness overwhelmed me.

"You still love Nate or have any feelings towards him?"she asked and I almost choked.

I cough uncontrollably choking on the ice cream. She gently rubbed my back trying to get me to compose myself.

I laughed when I stopped coughing "Hell no girl! I lost all my feelings for him for a long time. Doesn't matter if Tiffany looks like him though."

"Good girl"

It wasn't long before we left the park. We walked there since it isn't too far from home so we walked back. Since no one is home with me , we've decided to have a lady's sleepover. Which consist of us doing fun things together. So since we both know how to do nails and stuff, we're gonna give each other a pedicure!! I really need one to be honest.

"So what should we do first Kris? Shop,movies or baking??"She Asked holding up the list we made.

"Let's do baking first !!!!" We shouted with our evil smirk on.

Now you know that there is going to be war in this kitchen!!
We're a mess trust me.

"Hopefully everything we do will take your mind off these things."she said out of the blue.

Oh, I have forgotten about these things for a slip hour. But now that she reminds me, now I'm thinking about it.

I took out my phone out of my bag and opened it since I shut it down earlier. There are 15 text messages from Leo and a few missed calls. But I would rather not answer nor look at them so I closed my phone again. Place back in my bag and muster the best smile that I can as I made my way to the kitchen.

This gonna be long but a fun lady's sleepover night!!!

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