Part 6

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Chapter 6 ~


He called, text, left voicemails, and still I didn't read them nor did I answer my phone. And I'm not planning to let him see me ever again. He had came over that same day I was gonna break the news to his girlfriend but I choose wisely, I didn't tell her. That same  day during the night he came over but I didn't let him in nor did I answer. I made a promise to myself that I would stay clear of him for a while. It's time I make him feel the pain too. Yes I miss him badly but I'll be better off without him. Though I thought I loved him but it's only so much that I can take before realizing he's not right for me.

I told Stella about me being pregnant but I didn't tell her for whom. Besides I can't ,cause if I do she'll tell Crystal. I don't want her to find out about this from anyone but Nate. He is the one at fault. He needs to tell her this himself. That doesn't mean I'm gonna call him nor answer him though. Life could go on.

I continue allowing my mind to go into a daze about Nate as I take this morning stroll down the beach. The cool breeze feels so right against my Chocolate skin. It is indeed the cold weather of December. My doctor said that it's good to do some sort of exercises early in the morning. It's good for helping it be easier for the birth of the baby. I am after all one month and three weeks pregnant. I take my vitamins and eat my crackers every morning. And I also take pills that are accepted by my doctor because of my morning sickness I usually get. But he said as soon as my third semester is over I will no longer have morning sickness. Can't wait!

Feeling a Little dehydrated, I stopped and sip on some of my water. I popped a candy in my mouth and tried to do some jogging. These morning exercises surely help make me feel good. I hope my jogging doesn't shake the baby up too much. Checking the time on my wrist watch , it reads 7:30am. Meaning people are now in the clear. I jog til I reach up to the cleared up area of the beach. Luckily only a few people are there.

I like how my stomach still looks normal, flat down. I swear I thought I had a bump but it's just my dull imagination. Looking around at the people's I spot some couples strolling on the beach hand in hand. Awe how cute. If only I had a relationship like that, too bad I'm gonna be a single mom in a few months.

<blop> A huge guy knocked me down. I fall right on my back and he drops up on me.

"Uhhh cannt b-breath" I squirm, under him. He quickly got up. Finally oh gosh I hope the baby is alright.

Unknown: I'm so sorry. Here let me help you up.

I looked up seeing nothing but a blur of a muscular guy stretching out his hand to me. Therefore, I grabbed it and pulled me up.
I rub my eyes and blinked them twice again.
Finally when I reopened them I was able to see clearer again.
Wow! I was swept off my feet by this handsome guy that stood before me. His hair soaked with salty water causing it to stick to his face and down his back. From the looks of it , it looks like he has some good Rasta locs. Honestly I think it looks hot. His lips look so kissable. He's definitely eye candy. His brown golden eyes stared down at me.

"Oh Uh thanks. And I'm sorry too." I apologized

Unknown: Morning exercises aye?

Me: Yeah.

Unknown: I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself but I'm Leo and you are?

Me: Uh um Krisy.

Leo: Alright then Krissy nice meeting you although I missed and knocked you down by accident. But we're cool I hope?

Me: Haha..... Yeah

We continued chatting about stuff as he walked with me off the beach to my car. He told me where he's from and how he's been living here for two months now because of his career of being a businessman and a gym class teacher. Oh my now I know why he looks so fine. We talked and talked until he had to go because I wasn't going to go anywhere, trust me I had all day to be entertained  by him. Before he left we exchanged numbers. The thing is I haven't told him much bout me, after all , we just met.


I reached my house, hopped out of my car. Lock the doors and walk into my home. Just then as I made my way to the kitchen I realized what I was wearing. I'm wearing tight sport pants and a sports bra that could pass for a crop top and my hair is up in a ponytail. Oh gosh I hope he isn't the judgmental type.

I walk over to the cabinets to grab out my waffles box cause I'm feeling hungry now. I set two slices out on a plate and put it in the microwave to warm it up. Today is just about to start. No stress no worries just me myself and I. I rub my flat tummy , I'm surprised that I didn't get any cramps today, cause I usually get em everyday. Besides today I had decided to take a day off from work so Stella is in charge while I enjoy myself home.


Took my Mini laptop into my lap and clicked on Netflix. Took a bite of my waffle and sat back on my fluffy white love seat couch. When all the movies series popped up I picked on the one trending episode "Lucifer"

No stress and No worries for the rest of today.

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