Part 16

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Chapter 16

Couple months later~

Kristina POV

"Are you sure you're coming with?" I asked Leo.

"Yes baby. That's my baby too. I wouldn't miss that appointment for the world!"I said excitedly.

"Yeah okay if you say so."

"I'm coming okay. I'll call you when I get there Kay?"

"Sure!" I said,

"Bye. I love youuuuu!!"he said

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up already. Bye."

         Hung up the phone.

And that was my boyfriend Leo. Yes I said it ,Boyfriend! Not being a side piece but an actual girlfriend.

I've finally told Leo about me being pregnant for a guy who had a girlfriend. He didn't like the news at first but he wasn't judgmental towards me at all. I explain to him everything from the beginning till the end. That was on our third date. He didn't actually believe me at first but when I had invited him to one of my doctor check ups he came along. And in that instant he believed me. He became even more closer to me and yeah until the romantic night when he asked me to be his girlfriend! I was so happy and nervous but I literally ruined my makeup that day too ,because I started to cry. I explained to him that I wasn't used to those kind gestures. He totally understood me. And believe it or not I think I'm really starting to fall in love with him.

He's not rushing anything and that's what I love most about him.
He comes over all the time, always taking me out to fun places. Pampering me with many things that I've never dreamt of from a guy. He's so sweet. When he's not around he makes sure to text me all the time. When I'm feeling exhausted to do anything he would come around , give me massages along with a ice cream!

As for work. People there start to act differently around me. Every day that I go to work I see the judgmental looks Crystal throws my way, but it's all cool though. After all, I really deserve that. Her baby bump is very big and long. It really looks as if she's having twins, I wouldn't be surprised. While me on the other hand my baby bump is just a small bump. But hey I'm grateful that it finally popped out a little, even though It doesn't show much for someone who's 3/4 months pregnant. It doesn't matter really.

Yes the doctors are really scaring me by saying that the baby might not make it ,so I must really take things easy. Whenever they bring up the thought of losing my baby I try hard not to think too much about it.  Leo tries to help at times too by saying that the baby will be fine. But really how does he know that?

My family has been helping too. My mom and dad come over like every two weeks in a month. They try to help out the best that they can. They even suggest that I should have a baby shower once I find out the gender. To me I think not. I don't want no baby shower. And I don't want to know the gender right now, I want the baby to be a surprise. Leo also agrees with me. And yes they've met Leo. They like him for me. Mom said that he's a great guy so I better not mess this up. Honestly I don't plan to mess anything up. I like Leo a lot and thank him everyday for getting Nate off my mind.

And all I want to do once this baby is born is to start things over. A new beginning with a Little  me to tag along. This baby will have the best life ever I hope.


Me: I see you made it! Good job!

"I told you I was coming. You look Hot by the way!"said Loe, with a wink

"Awe Leo, seriously stop it. Thanks anyways."

"You're getting bigger. And it suits you well."

"Are you assuming that I look fat?" I asked, pretending to be hurt by his words.

He laughed, "No no , I'm just trying to say you look really good with that small baby bump. Blue really suits you babe."

We laughed and made our way into the clinic hand in hand.We walked over to the nurse behind the counter and asked if they called my name yet and she nodded yes. We made our way into the waiting room. Wow! It's packed with so many people. Cute couples ,some teens, some are just pregnant women by themselves.

Ignoring the stares we were getting from them we made it to the walk through door to get to my nurse room.

Me: I'm so excited! I really can't wait till this baby is here!

Leo: its not only you, who can't wait babe. But have you thought of any gender possible names?

Me: Nah. Why should I? I don't want to think about it. When the baby comes whatever gender it is the name will come.

Leo: If you say so. For sure I know that this baby will look just like you. Especially those cute lips of yours.

I blushed and I hit him across his shoulder. He's such a sweet talker. He held my right hand in his and played with my fingers. We sat on the chairs and patiently waited on my nurse Ms. Tucker, to come do the check up on the baby. And today is my last doctor's appointment because soon enough this baby will come.

Ms. Tucker: Oh I'm so sorry that I'm late!!

She greeted as she rushed inside startling both Leo and I. We nodded our heads not saying anything. Leo attempted to touch my baby bump but I playfully slapped his hand away earning a small cute pout from him as I stood up.  The nurse told me to come over to the bed thingy and I laid back on it. I already knew the routine so I just got straight to the point by rolling up my t-shirt. I mentally prepared myself for the cold jelly liquid I know she's going to pour on my stomach.


Coming from the clinic we stopped at a fast food place and got some food.

Leo: Happy now?

Me: What? Don't ask me that. It's the baby you should be asking that type question to.

Leo: Oh really? I believe you're gonna use half of that food too.

Me: Oh c'mon Leo, it wasn't that much. It was what I craved so that's what the baby wanted.

Leo: Yeah whatever you say babe. I still love your big appetite anyways *roll eyes*

Me: *Laughs* of course you do.

And no we didn't come to the clinic in the same car so he had to drop me back there so I could've pick up my car. He kissed me goodbye and I got into my car.

Now I'm stuck between two decisions. I'm thinking about going home or to my parents house. Honestly I don't know. I feel tired but at the same time I Want to rest at my mom and dad's place. Yes that's how much I love them. I hope my baby will love me this much also. Oops ! I forgot that Leo is also in the picture too, so I hope that it loves Leo just as much as well.

A/N Edited

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