Being in love with viners

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Aaron's pov

I sat talking to some really pretty girls. 'I might not be fully gay' I thought. I could see myself with this pretty blonde.

This brunette and blonde talk back and forth. I focus on the blonde's, liv's, lips. pink, full, I wanted them. Not nearly as much as I wanted jack's though.

I looked around now wondering where he was at. I saw him with a girl. he apparently was feeling the same way.

They were laughing and flirting. His smile was gorgeous. it made me forget all about Liv, the blonde.



I kept answering with yeah, sure and ok. I was not listening anymore. then it happened. she leaned in and kissed him. Soon she was on his lap and he was pulling her closer to him by her butt. I was jealous to the extreme. I know we weren't a thing but why couldn't we be?

I really liked him. screw that, I loved him. I stood up and marched over there where the two were indulging in a deep kiss.

I tapped her on the shoulder. They both looked up at me. "I just need to borrow jack for a second."

She nodded and put her hair behind her ear sitting down next to him. he stood up and walked with me away from her.

" Umm you can't do that."

I said this when we got to a corner that nobody would get us. I had my back in the corner and was facing him.

"Why not?"

" I love you!" I blurted. I know I was blushing because I could feel it. it crept across my face.

But finally getting the courage I leaned up and kissed him. deep kiss that forced him to put his hand on the wall either side of my head.

Then it stopped. " jack, I don't care anymore. if being with you means everybody knowing I'm gay than so be it!"

He smiled down at me before leaning back down into yet another kiss. then he kissed a trail from my lips to my ear.

" I love you too."


Tori's pov

We sat inside playing spin the bottle with the Reynolds, jc, Jacob, Sam and about fifteen other girls. All of us were drinking, some drinking more heavily than others.

I spun the bottle after Matthew kissed me. It landed on jc. he was totally wasted and not thinking straight. I leaned forward and have him a quick peck on the lips. He looked kind of offended as everybody, but Matthew and I, booed.

"That wasn't a kiss."

"That was too!" Matthew exclaimed.

"No this is!" then jc pulled me by the back of my neck and into a deep kiss. I went along with it so no one would call me a wuss.

" Any time now!" Matthew was furious and jealous. a hot trait only on him. Honestly, I wasn't into the kiss but it still pissed Matthew off to no end.

Finally, jc let go and it was over. Well, I thought it was. I got up to get a drink and Matthew followed.

"Enjoy it much?"

I looked at him with shock and disbelief.

"Seriously? one, its a game! two, no I didn't enjoy it! that wasn't you!"

A look of relief settled on his face. I grabbed a beer and handed one to Matthew. " I love you too much."

We went and sat back down in our seats. "hey let's play seven in heaven!"

Being in love with viners (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now