Being in love with viners

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Tori's pov

When carter arrived at our door I was shocked. although it took me a minute to realize who it was.

If only Christina could've opened the door. she would've had a heart attack. but of course she was busy being amazing.

"I'm moving in next door and I just wanted to meet the new neighbors." I smiled because I knew who it was. "You wanna meet Christina then." I told him. he smiled and put his hands in his pockets.

"Christina!" I called her over to the door. As she walked over I tried to hide my smile. as she approached, my hand over my mouth was not a disguise enough. Christina continued walking an looking at me confused.

She looked at the door and shock spread across her face. She blushed as she realized that Carter Reynolds was standing right in front of her.

"Hey I just moved in next door." He repeated. Christina nodded. she stood there obviously trying to take everything in. I giggled.

"Ummm...Hey I'm Christina and this tori." she motioned towards me and I waved lightly towards him. he nodded at me in response.

"We'll children I'm going to go eat my ice cream so....." with that I smiled and walked away. I grabbed my ice cream from the kitchen. I put the syrup on it then went to the living room. I sat with my feet curled wrapped under me.


Christina finally walked back into the living room. she looked at me, smiled , and went to get her ice cream.

"So?" I asked. I wanted to know all the juicy details.she blushed and continued playing a piece of paper.

"Well I went to get his number and he kissed me. not like a 'I love you' but like an 'I like you kiss'. But as we were kissing he slipped his number in my back pocket."

Christina tried so hard not to smile but it betrayed her. "wow Christina that is awesome!!" I sat and talked to Christina for another hour.

"well I'm going to bed so do whatever it is you do."

"Alright I'm probably going to as well."

I nodded at her and went upstairs to my bedroom. Yes, my bedroom. I stay here so often that I have my own bedroom and bathroom. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. then I put on a tank top and shorts. Right after my head hit the pillow i fell asleep.

Being in love with viners (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now