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"Now since you've all been filled in on the Alpha pack business, we have a plan." Derek tells Stiles, Scott, even Allison. Isaac already knew about it all of this, but he still listens to his Alpha.

"We know they're the ones who took Erica and Boyd, but what they dont know is," He points to me, "Candice, they have no idea people like her even exist, so we're going to train her." They all look a bit skeptial, thanks for the support guys.

"We don't really know what she can do but I want you all here when we start, just in case-"

"She goes all bezerk and tries to kill all of us?" Stiles butts in. I try to cut in and tell him he's being ridicules but Derek gets the first word.

"Basically." My mouth drops open.

"Really guys? I'm so not going to-" I'm cut off by a few sickening snaps and weird noises followed by a gurgling noise, which happens to be me, spiting out blood alomost chocking on it. I slump to the ground in pain, people start screaming, but my vision doesnt start to fade, it actually sharpens, as does my hearing after a few seconds. Before I stand back up, I tune in to what people are yelling about.

"Peter! Why the hell did you just do that!?" Scotts clear voice vibrates around the room, Derek rushes towards me, but I stand up before he reaches me. Everyone stops as they see me rise, all except Peter.

"We need to see what she's able to do! Pain usually influences somesort of emotion!" I understand why he did it, but I kinda wish he gave me a warning. I wrap my hand around the point of the knife that's sticking out of my chest and yank it forward, ripping the rest of the knife through my stomach. I drop the knife on the floor, my blood spreading across the hard wood floor like, well like blood does.

Everyone stares at me with surprise. I can feel heat raidiating off my skin, it must be my eyes glowing so bright. I twist my head towards Derek.

"Tell me something to do." My voice is flat, no emotion shines through, just a monotoned voice like the voice recorders. Derek's head tilits in confusion, but Peter doesnt hesitate to reply.

"Give me a roar sweetheart." And I do, it's not like the stories told about when Scott gave his first growl, and how it sounded like a dying cat. This was more along the lines of a lion roaring before it attacks it's prey. Everyone who is a werewolf, twitched a bit before fully shifting over. By the time my scream faded out, they all had canines out and claws drawn. I glance over at Scott, his eyes turn the brillant red that Derek has before flashing back to his innocent yellow. Huh, I'll have to ask Peter about that. I look from wolf to wolf, Derek eyes go from ice blue to red, Peters from red back to cold blue, and Isaac who stays his bright yellow.

I give them a few minutes to shift back to human.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles asks the most intimate question.

"It was weird, All of your eyes changed, except for Isaac." My voice is back to it's normal tone, thank God, that was creeping me out.

"What do you mean?" Scott questions, sitting down on the couch. I point to Peter first.

"Your eyes went from Alpha red to the steel blue. And yours," I look to Derek, "Went from the same blue back to your normal red. But Scotts... His went from red then yellow, while Isaac's just stayed yellow." Peter's face goes slack in concentration, only to light up a few seconds later.

"You showed our natural form." He looks around the room full of mostly teenagers, and is only met with confusion, even with Derek.

"Derek's eyes were blue before he became an Alpha, causing them to turn blue, I had the eyes of an Alpha before I went back to my ice blue. And Scott, we now know that the Alpha pack plans on taking two new members into their fold." I gesture him to countinue.

"Scott has the eyes of an inocent werewolf, but is destined to be-"

"A True Alpha." Derek finishes the thought off for him, although some of us still don't understand, like me and especially Stiles.

"Come on keep talking, some of us arn't familar with werewolf terminology." I let out a huff of laughter, despite the tension around the room Stiles makes a joke like always. Gotta love'em.

"It's almost like how Candice became an Alpha, she didn't get there by killing another Alpha, she did it to help her friends escape, no matter what the cost. She took the risks, even though the chances of her surviving afterwards was 1 in a million. She rose up to the status based on good will. So will Scott one day if he continues on the path he's on right now."

"So you're saying the Alpha pack wants me too?" Scott asks, I notice his hands are starting to shake, but I don't judge, if a blood thirsty Alpha pack wanted me, I might be a little nervous too.

"It is extremely rare-"

"But that doesn't matter, we have a card up our sleeve that they don't even know exists." I tell them, smiling in triumph.

"So, lets get this training started."


So far we've learned jack squat about my powers. I slump down in defeat on the couch.

"Maybe I have to be in a dire situation for something to happen?" I comment, swallowing a few sips of water before finishing my thought.

"I mean, think about it, each time I've uncovered something, someone was dying or I was is pain. Maybe that's how I figure out the rest." I shrug my shoulders, it's a pretty smart assumption, if I do say so myself.

"So you want me to stab you again?"

"How sweet of you to offer Peter," I give him a sarcastic grin," But I was thinking more along the lines of going to the Alpha's myself and confronting them." Of course Derek's the one to shake his head first,

"Not happening-" His uncle interrupts him.

"Surprisingly, I actually agree with Derek this time, I'm not all sure that would work, remember when I tortured you," He pauses for a second,"Sorry about that by the way, you're powers still didn't come. They seem to occur when someone you love is in pain, even when I stabbed you a few hours ago, I'm guessing your first thought was how you would save your friends from the mystery threat?" I eye him wearily, how did he know that? I nod my head and he smirks that he's right.

"So I think the only way to make you go all Werewolf Warrior/ Alpha Apex on their asses, is that you need a friend to be in danger."

"So bait." Stiles pipes up

"One point for Stilinksi." Peter claps sarcastically.

"No way! I'm not going to let my friends be in danger just on a slim chance that I'll be able to get all my gifts!" I exclaim, getting red in the face based on pure anger.

"How bout a vote? All in favor of going through with the plan?" Peter raises his hand.... and so does everyone else. I roll my eyes.

"Sure, you guys are all for the plan? That's great. Now let me ask you this ridiculous question, which one of you idiots would be willing to volunteer?" There's no way any of them would.

Unless they all raise their hands.... Which they do.



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