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"What do you mean 'I have tattoos all over my body?!" I scream at peter, running towards a mirror, and sure enough there are black cross crosses and swerves all over my body. What a fashion statement! I groan aloud,


"Because....your a descendent from...." peter begins

"From what?!"

"Something called an apex alpha. They were the first werewolves, you are something like a great great great great great great great great great grand daughter."

"Super" I reply glumly.

"There might just be one little problem..."

"Which is??"

"Since you became a werewolf differently then most and a WW, I don't know what's going to happen next full moon."

"Which is when?"


"Even better...what could happen?" I ask, already nervous for the response I'll get.

"You could... potentially... die... maybe go all evil...or maybe nothing."

"This is just not my day...slash year" I mutter, turning around and walking out the door to home.

"Candice" peter says before I fade away

"Yes?" I respond, turning around to look at him

"I hope it turns out for the better."

I nod my head and go home, hoping he's right.


I walk into my bathroom to scrub off my daysss old makeup. I start to scrub as I look at my self in the mirror. my tattoos glint in the light and something snaps in me. 'I don't want this! why? why me? I look like some sort of delinquent. I wonder what my mom will do when she sees me... I start scrubbing harder, making my face go red and raw.

Once I can't take it any more I turn and punch my hand through the wall, the foundation giving away instantly. and I do it again and again until two string arms pull me back.

I twist to hit them also, but he holds his ground, and instead of fighting gives me a breath taking hug.


I look up at him, knowing my cheeks are stained with tears.

"You look beautiful" he whispers, caressing my tattoos with the back of his hand, leaning in and giving me a sweet kiss. He lifts me up sets me on my counter, never breaking the kiss. He begs for entrance which I deny, making him want it more. Finally I give away and let him have it, our tongues performing a dance with eachother. we break only to move towards the bed, Derek already taking off my shirt. he lays me down flat but I take control and flip us over so I'm on top. I push my fangs out, slipping his shirt in between the two and ripping it. he growls in lust. Now it's his turn and my clothes are off in a matter of seconds, I nibble at his lip making him moan. I love doing that to him, I tear off his boxers, leaving both of us bare. He pushes into me, and we've done this so often, that there's not any pain. he kisses me, and by the end of our 'session' both of out lips are swelled.

I get up, and dress, him following, as I enter the bathroom.

"We should patch this up, don't ya think?" I ask, looking at the hole I made. He gives a nod and walks over to it, inspecting.

"Let me just see how thick it is." he puts half of his hand down it and lightly pushes against it, and to nth of our suprise, the cement gar away, revealing a letter taped to the wall signed dad?





Dirty Little Secrets (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now