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I was running, running through the woods stumbling on every root. I heard a growl behind me then in front of me,everywhere at once. it vibrated through out my ears, I felt a severing pain go through my shoulder. I was tossed into the air like a rag doll. the next thing I knew I was chained up into what looked to be a basement. a shadow of a person was in my sight then gone. what the hell? I looked don at my self and my body was covered in blood?
Suddenly I broke from the chains but the shadow was waiting for me and stabbed me right in the middle of my chest.

I woke up gasping for air, I was covered in sweat from head to toe. that was terrible! I haven't had a nightmare in years, and that was by far the worse. I shook it off and walked to the shower stripping down and got in. I quickly finished not sure what I was in a hurry for. soon I was down stairs finishing up my breakfeast and walking down the road. No where in peticular.

I turned to the forest and figured I could go see if Derek was home.
My mind went back to last night..where did that knife come from? Id never even seen that knife before!
What happens if I sleep walk or something and kill someone? or maybe next time I won't be able to stop and actually kill derek?! I need to figure out what's going on! how do I stop it?

Soooo many questions I can't answer! what if I... No. that's way to dangerous..but then again he always seems to know everything...but he might kill me..then again he problay will no matter where I am...yes. I think I'll see him.

But first derek.


I walk into the old burnt down hale house, each step I take echoing throughout the house. I don't think Derek's home..good, my turn to snoop!
I rushed up to his room, which was one of the only normal looking rooms, like it never had been through a fire.
I opened up his drawer stifling through his t-shirts, which were mostly black, gray, or white.


I opened up another trying to find one of his dirty little secrets, all I found was a couple pair of shorts and some socks. one last drawer and then I'll leave, I thought to myself
The last one I opened up had a brand new pair of condoms...thank god! we were running low.
I kept looking but heard a door open and close.

I quickly closed the drawer and jumped on his pretty sure I looked do I make it look like I was just waiting for him? not doing anyyyything out of the ordinary?.....oh! got it! I quickly un buttoned my shirt and took my hair out of its pony tail while kicking my shoes and socks off.


I heard creaking on the steps so I know he is almost to his room. I take a few breaths to calm down my rush of adrenaline of not getting caught.
The door opened to the room and derek walked through at first not seeing me, taking off his shoes and socks. then he looked up seeing me for the first time. confusion, suprise, and hunger flashed in his eyes, I walked subductivly towards him. I grabbed his belt buckle and tugged it toward me, a low growl erupted from his lips. I chuckled softly and slowly tugged of his shirt. I ran my fingers along his stomach. I was carefully not to let him know what I was actually doing here in the first place.

And if I was going to see who I was today, I might as well have sex, for who knows if I'll make it out alive. he pushed his tongue forcefully into my mouth, out tongues did a dance, I felt his hands slowly glid up my waist, and not stopping at my chest. a moan escaped my lips as he tease me with kisses around my body. at this point, no more clothing separated us. he was in before I knew it, keeping a strong pace..and that's how my morning went.


I was in the same feil as I was when peter first showed me what he could do to me.
"PETER!" I yelled trying to contact him
"PETER! I NEED YOU!" I yelled again
I waited a few moments before trepeating the process. still, nothing.

I started to walk away until I hear his voice
"You know, there's such a thing called a cell phone, maybe you've herd of it before?" He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes before walking back towards him and saying
"What's wrong with me?"
" You got to be more specific, there's lots of things wrong with you." He said humor filling his voice
"Why did I have a kinfe pressed against Derek's throat?"
" Is it your time of the month?" He asked teasingly
"Shut up, and tell me why"
"So are you asking me for help?" he asked
I rolled my eyes and glared at him
" Tell ya what. say 'peter my hero and amazing alpha, I desspertly need your help.' okay?" he said trying to imitate my voice.
"peter ..hero and amazing ..alpha, I .....desspertly ...need your' I forced my self to say.
"Perfect." peter respondes
"Now help me!" is aid loudly
" First you have to do something for me."
" What could you possibly want now?!" I said with a cold hatred
"I want you to become your full potional" he replies with a smirk
"Dude! stop talking in cryptic!" I said getting annoyed
Once again I felt a rush of power flood my body, peters face light up with suprise.
"Candice, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice cracking with fear.
"Nothing! just tell me what's wrong with me!" I screamed
"You're eyes are glowing green...and...i think...your making it windy..." peter stuttered
Funny, iv never seen peter scared, and it defintly didn't suit him well.
I felt the wind throwing my hair in diffrent directions, was I the culprit of this?

I can't believe what I'm about to say,
"Peter...control me...make me stop.." I said, it was getting hard to breath
Peters face lit up with understanding, and got a determined look on his face.

I was now on my knees,it felt like something was trying to break out of my body, and I had to force it back, it was quit tiering. and just like it began it was gone faster then a blink of an eye.

I took a deep breath and walked back towards peter.
"We'll I guess we now know what happens when you get mad." he stated, his lips twitched in a grin.
"Ya, so how bout you help me me figure out what's wrong or I'll be sure to get mad again." I said in a threatening tone
"Sounds good, tell me everything."


We were now in peters apartment, I already told him everything that's happened. he was reserving on his computer.
"It says here that you are like a werewolf, when you get am your powers will flare up. but I'm not sure what's going to happen when you actually become a werewolf...wanna find out." he said more of a statement then a question
"Not reallllly." I said
"Another time then."
"Can't wait" I said sarcastically
"And why did you do this in the first place?why didn't you just turn me completely?" i continued, looking at him suspiciously
" Because when the time comes I can control you." he said bluntly
A relation came over me..him...the knife...derek

"You!!!" I screamed lunching myself at him. I tackled him to the ground
"What are you talking about?" peter screamed
"You just said it your self! you can control me! you made me almost cut Derek's throat!"
"Candice! I swear to you, I did not! there are certain... Limits to my influence over you."he yelled whil I had him pinned down, I'm gussing by the look on his face that my eyes were flashing green.
"Then why?" I said weakly, rolling off of him
"That's what we will find out" he said
" You know, for a phsycotic werewolf, you can be pretty nice sometimes." I said
Peter grunted, then raised from the ground
"I'll give you three answers,
1st, youre kind is the most powerful shapeshifter, and you are the greatest out of your kind." I gasped now that's new information
"2nd, you have demons in your body trying to get out,thats why you tried to kill derek, because it's in your nature to obliviate all msupernatural kinds, including yourself. so it was not you personally trying to kill derek."
He countinued
"And lastly,the hunters, if they know you are a werewolf warrior, they will torture and then kill you just to send a message." he looked at me straight in the eyes as he told me this.

Awesome!just great! hunters!

My body was lurched forward, and moved towards the door.
"Goodbye candice. next time we see it will most likely not be under friendly terms."
He was controlling my body once again, tried to resist but it was impossible.
"As you probably just figured out, don't try to fight my powers, you will lose." He said, and with that my body jumped forward once again and the door shut to his apartment as I was out.

Interesting day


Dirty Little Secrets (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf) Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now