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"Ya, I might know a guy, but everything comes with a price." She says after reading a few of her books, that I believe are bestiaries.

She turns towards Peter,

"But your not gonna like it"

"Try me" I snap back, maybe a little to harsh, for a second I think she might kill me, but she cracks a smile and says,

"I like this one, fiesty," She comments, glancing at me before looking back at Peter.

"You should see her on her period." He comments,

"Hey!" I wind my fist back and lay a hard one on his shoulder.

"Son of a bitch! Girl, you pack a hard punch..." He mumbles as he goes into the corner, weeping to himself.

I turn back to the girl and raise my eyebrow at her,

"So? Where's the guy who can help me? Tell him to get here." I demand, my patience is on a very short leash at the moment.

"Listen up, you give me what I want, and I'll get him here okay?" She says, not taking any shit from me.

"How bout-" I say, grabbing her by the coller and slamming her against the wall,

"You do as I say, and maybe I'll listen to your insignificant demand." I snarl at her, almost nose to nose and I can see the reflection of my glowing green eyes in her pupils reflection. She gives me a hateful nod.

"Good." I back up and turn my head towards Peter who has an eyebrow raised, when I get closer he whispers into my ear,

"What the hell was that!?" I ignore his demand and direct my eyes to the witch,

"Any day now, magic whore." Wow I'm a such a bitch, but at the moment I dont really give a flying fuck, I want to know what my dad meant.

She tosses a glare at me before grabing a large goblet and a cynical looking knife, she then goes to a cabinet and grabs a jar with a red shaped thing in it.

"Is that a-" I sart to ask,

"If your about to say a heart of a virgin, then yes, you'd be correct." She informs me, not stopping collecting herbs and other matirels,

"Ew-Thats just-gross.." Petre says with a discusted look on his face.

"You used to tear teengers limb from limb." I roll my eyes at him, he probably has done worse then that but, 'let bygones be bygones' right?

He takes the thought into consideration for a moment before shrugging and looking back at Stella.

She plops a few things on the table before dumping things into the goblet,

"Heart of a virgin, a lambs tongue, herbs from The Tree of Eve, a few deer teeth and the blood of the one your calling." She lists the ingredents before takes out a vial of a red substance, which I can only assume is blood and poors it all over the other grotesque things. She finally takes her knife and starts to mash everything together before taking a match, lighting it, then throwing it into the goblet, setting everything aflame.

"I, pretium et supernaturalis, Nicolaus de bigeneri, ut vocant, the!" She shouts in an unknown language.(Its actually Latin)

All the lights in the room flicker on and off, then suddenly there is a man infront of us, with hair that is between strawberry blonde and brown.

"What could one possibly want with me?" He says in a thick british accent, with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Nicolaus, please to see you again." Stella says, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Please, we aren't in the 1700's any more, call me Klaus."





I will be updating super soon dont worry.

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