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I walk into my room after my 'visit' with peter and see Derek laying down on my bed.
He's even cuter when he's asleep, all his face muscles relaxed, he isn't frowning or mad just...peaceful.
I moved around my room trying to be light on my footsteps, not wanting to wake up derek.

Despite all my efforts, Derek's eyes popped open.
"Where've you been?" he asked knitting his eyebrows togather
" I was with...stiles"
"Funny , cause I was just with Scott and stiles before I came here, and your heart skipped a beat. soo let's try that again," he looked at me In the eye
"Where. Have. You. Been?" he countinued
I swore to myself, I really need to get better alibis and to control my heart beat.
Suddenly he stuck his nose in the air and sniffed, a couple times before growling.

In a heart beat I was slammed against my wall by derek. he stuck his nose to the nape of my neck, smelling me.

Oh fuck! he smelt peter on me! I am soooo fucked, and not the good kind may I add.

"Why in holy hell, were you with him!"
He snarled

" Derek calm down, I-I went to hi-im"
"You WHAT!?" Derek screamed

He now restrained both of my wrists agianst the blood red walls

"Derek" I whimpered
He was cutting off my circulation
"Explain now" he spit. Gave me one last shove agianst the wall and sat on my bed. he glided his hands through his hair in furistration.

" I...needed information...about" he had a blank state on his face. Still didn't see why I went to peter.
"Stiles was working on it!" he looked at me with a stern expression
"B-but" I began but was interrupted
"No! he could have killed you! and you still went with him! how stupid are you?"he was furious now, his light green eyes kept blurring into his cold elteric blue ones.
"We'll how do you define stupid?" I said trying to lighten the mood
All it did was make him angrier.


His voice came out soft
"You could've been hurt...again"
My lips tugged into a smile
"But I wasn't , so it's okay."
He walked towards me and wrapped me in a bear hug.
I giggled out of delight

"But you could have, and I'm not sure if I could handle that again." he said while nuzzling my neck

"Derrrrek!" I whined
" I have stuff to do today! I can't be with you allll the time" I spit out after a minute of derek trying to seduce me.

I think he mumbled a 'too bad' but he was too preoccupied kissing my body to make it elegible.

If I didn't do something fast he would have me in bed in minutes, my will power was crashing, and fast.

I pulled out my cell, hitting stiles contact number. it rang twice before he picked up

"Hey Candice what's up?" stiles said

Derek growled a lite but stopped kissing me and sat back on my bed. I knew it would work, no way would he continue to kiss me with stiles listening. he would never hear the end of it.

"Hey stiles, I was just wondering if you got any new information about me?" I asked hopefully

"Actually I do. I'll be right over." and with that he hung up.

That I was not expecting, I was just trying to get Derek off me, not actually accomplish sonething.

"What did you find out?" Derek suddenly asked
"Where?" I asked confusion swelling my brain
"With peter." his voice was gruff
"Oh, I found out a few things I began,"

And then I told him everything.


I just finished telling him everything when I heard stiles jeep pull into my driveway. Derek had rnt said anything yet about what I did with peter. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not, but I have a feeling it was the former.

I heard footsteps racing up my stairs and coming towards my room.
Stiles burst in and looked around, it was the first time he came into my room when it was complete, well all most anyways.

It had 2 blood red walls and the other 2 were smoky gray. One wall was devoted to my pictures of me an my friends from Tennessee and the places before that. one was full if posters(mostly of Ian somerholder) an then a black desk with all my school stuff on it.
The other had a shelves full of books, all fiction and fantasy. the other with had the door to my closet and all my sports equipment, like my lacrosse stick, basketball, bow, etc. my closet was another thing, walkin, huge and had a full wall mirror and if you countinued down it you would find the door to the bathroom.
My bed was a twin size with polka dotted covers.

I absolutely loved it, by far my favorite room out of the others, and if you climbed out the window, there was the other parts of the roof so it's very easy to sneak out. defiantly a big bonus.

Stiles sat on the chair for my desk, then looked at me to derek.
"What were you guys doing in here." he said while winking.

Gross! but not that far off actually, still I threw a pillow at him which hit him right in the face. haha.
He scowled, " anyyyways, what do you have for me!?" I asked

"Do you remember when you first learned that Scott and Derek were werewolves? you touched Derek an got shocked?" when I nodded he countinued
" We'll, that happened because it was awakening your werewolf warrior side. it was your first time context ing to the supernatural world, and once that happens your WW powers start to kick in."

"So the whole was like a wake up call?"

"Yes, if you never came in contact with the supernatural world, your WW powers would have stayed dormant forever." Stiles finished

"Makes sense I guess...anything else?" I asked. Glad that the 'shock' was figured out.

"Ya, the reason you keep going crazy-" I glare at him
"I mean, the reason you keep growing neon eyes, is because of peter."
I gestured for him to countinue
"When he bite you, it is something, kind of like, suppressed your powers. now to fully get them you must become a werewolf, which will make you extra dangerous."

"Sweeeeet! so I'll be like a total badass!?" I said a little excited
Stiles rolled his eyes, still mystified on how was so chill about all this

" Yes, you will be a badass." stiles mumbled

"thanks a lot stiles." I said
While getting up to hug him, I swear I heard a growl come from derek.

I laughed mentally, Derek's a little jealous huh? this could be fun.
I hugged stiles a little tighter and longer then necessary. stiles didn't object, which only fueled Derek's anger.
Finally I let go, and asked stiles,"so what do you wanna do now?"

We looked at each other for a moment before simutanisly saying

"Ice cream"


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