Chapter Twenty-One

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I woke up cuddled into Dean's chest and my arm was protectively wrapped around Beth. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. I sneakily got out of the bed, jumped in the shower, got dressed, and brushed my hair. I snuck downstairs after noticing Beth snuggling into Dean's chest and his arms wrapped around her. Mina, Blayke, Ciana, and Alec were in the kitchen eating already. Where were Faith and Aurora? They were probably still sleeping if they were watching movies last night.

"Hey," Blayke greeted me.

"Morning!" Ciana smiled.

Alec and Mina both gave me smiles and a wave. Mina looked at me with curiosity. "How's Beth and Dean doing near each other now?"

I smiled brightly. "Go check upstairs and bring your phone with you if you want to take a photo of it."

Mina squealed in delight and she ran upstairs. Blayke, Alec, Ciana, and I laughed when she was gone. I made my plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I let out a happy moan when I put a piece of the pancake in my mouth. Blayke just laughed and shook his head. Mina came back down with a huge smile on her face. She showed me her phone. I looked to see Beth was completely on top of Dean and he had a protective arm curled around her waist.

"I'm going to go wake them up," I smiled. "We have to get started on the training today."

"Someone is eager to mate," Alec joked.

Ciana, Mina, and Blayke laughed while my face lit up red. I flipped off Alec. He let out a chuckle. I went to Dean's bedroom and jumped on the bed. Beth woke up first and poked Dean's face. His eyes shot open and he stared at Beth. I laughed when they both realized that they looked like a father werewolf protecting his daughter. When a werewolf had their daughter in the bed with them, they always kept a close hold on their daughter. Dean unwrapped his arm from Beth's waist and she crawled off of him.

"Go ask Ciana for clothes," I smiled at Beth. "Get dressed and then you'll have a plate of food waiting for you when you're done. Once we finish eating the training will start."

Beth's face lit up and she nodded, running out of the room. She closed the door behind her. Dean pulled me down on top of him. He pushed his lips to mine and I kissed him back. He nibbled my bottom lip asking for entrance. When I allowed him to without hesitation he let out a deep growl of approval. His tongue swept across mine and I let a soft moan. He flipped us so I was now under him. The door slowly creaked opened, making Dean push himself off of me. Faith stood at the entrance.

"I have a question Aliya," Faith stated.

"What is it?" I smiled.

"Can I go back with Gamma Evernight?" Faith asked. "Aurora wants to go to. Please, you know we'll be protected."

"Yes you can," I answered her. "Aurora will have to talk to this one about it though."

"She doesn't know about that little boy does she?" Faith questioned.

"No," Dean answered. "She doesn't know about Cole. She can go as long as she promises to keep quiet about Cole being alive."

"Okay!" Faith squeaked in excitement.

"What will happen to me when Faith leaves?" I asked.

"Nothing will," Dean answered. "If she gets hurt though, you'll know exactly where she is. They'll be safe with Gamma Evernight Aliya."

"We should get started on building them a pack," I smiled. "Soon enough, Gamma Evernight will be Alpha Evernight."

"We should get downstairs or Beth will come up jumping and screaming about us taking to long," Dean got off the bed. "Ashur is riding my ass to go see Bethany."

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