Chapter Eleven

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I woke up in my own bedroom.  The curtains were closed and the room was dark.  How did I get here?  I got up slowly, trying to collect my thoughts.  I stretched and let out a yawn.  I opened the curtains and my eyes slammed shut from the impact of the new shining light.  What time was it? Who brought me to my room and dressed me for bed?  I couldn't remember much of last night after spending some time with Dean.  Was he the one who dressed me?  Again.  I thought I warned him not to do it.  Rayla purred in lust at the thought of Dean seeing me naked and getting aroused by it.  I rolled my eyes and began to ignore her.  I got dressed, skipping out on the shower today.  I wasn't feeling the best so I didn't want to stand without moving for too long.  I put on a navy blue spaghetti strap tank top and black jean shorts.  

I hopped onto the counter and held with head in my hands.  My neck was sore and it was starting to give me a headache.  I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I looked up to see Mina staring at me with concern.  I noticed that Alec, Ciana, and Blayke were behind her with the same looks on their faces.  

"Are you feeling okay?"  Alec asked.  "You look like you're going to throw up everywhere."

"I'm just not feeling the greatest today,"  I admitted.

Blayke was by my side in a flash, he put his hand on my forehead.  I let out a stunned gasp as I looked at him.  Way to go Blayke, make Alec more suspicious.  He pulled down my tank top and stared at the mark with shock.  Ciana gasped and buried her face into Alec's shirt.  Mina said 'oh god' and looked away.  I glanced at my mark, instantly regretting it.  I felt like I was going to be sick.  The mark was going purple and puss was coming out of it as well.


"What's with yelling at me?"  Dean groaned.

"Look what you did to Aliya by marking her in the fucking cells,"  Alec growled.  

Dean looked at me and took a step back.  He looked like he was going to be sick but he also looked curious to how it happened.  This yelling was making my headache worse.  My head fell onto Blayke's shoulder and I let out a groan of pain.

"Call the pack doctor,"  Blayke said, patting my back.  "This could kill her."

"How do you know so much about this?"  Alec crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes.  

"I did have a life before you guys found me,"  Blayke shot back.  

"I'll go call the pack doctor,"  Dean said.  "Blayke do as much to her until you get uncomfortable. Bring her up to my room and get her comfortable."

Blayke nodded, picking me up.  "Ciana she's going to need you to help her through this.  Come with me.  Your bond is the strongest with her."

Ciana nodded.  "I'll do my best."

I relaxed on the bed with one of my hand's in Ciana's while my other hand was on Blayke's knee. Electricity shot up my arms, making tingles.  Blayke was focused cutting open the mark and draining the puss.  I closed my eyes, completely relaxed, trusting that my brother would take care of me.  

"Blayke, is she unconscious?"  Ciana asked.

"No, I'm just relaxing,"  I opened my eyes, looking at her.  "I trust Blayke to take care of me."

Blayke laughed.  "I won't let you down little sis."

I smiled.  "I know you won't."

I felt Blayke stick something in my skin.  He began to stitch everything up with the thing still into my skin.  I looked at him.  "What are you putting into my neck?"

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