Chapter Fifteen

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Dean's Point Of View

I ran into the restaurant and found Mina sitting there with Aliya unconscious sitting right next to her.  I sat down seeing a small bruise on Aliya's temple.  She was attacked.  If Gamma Evernight didn't see what was going on my little mate would've been taken.  Who was the girl that he mentioned before she ran away because of Aliya being attacked?  That girl wanted something, maybe she was the girl that Ciana saw.  Whoever she was I had to track her down.  

"How much did you see of the fight, Mina?"  I asked.

"Well this girl was staring at Aliya and we began talking to Gamma Evernight,"  Mina answered.  "When Aliya looked back to the girl she was being harassed by this guy.  She told me to stay here before she went outside to stop him and get him away from the girl.  There were so many cuts and bruises on her.  Right before Aliya was attacked the girl said something that seemed to shock Aliya a lot."

"Could you hear what she said to Aliya?"  I questioned.

Mina shook her head.  "I was in here and they were across the street.  I don't have guardian hearing like you, Aliya and Blayke."

"We need to take her home and figure out who this girl is exactly,"  I picked up Aliya.

"Be careful, I wouldn't come around here or leave alone anymore,"  Gamma Evernight said.  "Whoever attacked Aliya was clearly trained in a certain way that hasn't been used in years.  You never know who could be around anymore."

"Thank you Gamma Evernight,"  I said, walking out of the restaurant.

The cold night air hit me and Aliya snuggled closer for more warmth.  I put Aliya down in the back seat while Mina got into the passenger side.  I made sure that Aliya was comfortable laying down before I closed the door and climbed into the driver's seat.  I began to drive.

"Are you okay Mina?"  I asked.

"Yeah,"  Mina answered.  "Just a little stressed out from everything that has happened.  Aliya was never the type to go down after one hit.  She used to take millions of punches.  Even from someone that is a guardian.  He hit her in the temple really hard.  Hopefully, she won't have brain damage."

"She won't,"  I said.  "I just want to know what that girl said to Aliya to make her stand there so shocked and out of her senses."

"I was scared to call you at first,"  Mina admitted.  "I was just going to wait for Aliya to wake up but after the hour I got so scared and I finally built up the courage to call you.  I wanted to call Blayke at first but you wouldn't have been too happy about that."

I chuckled.  "No, I would've been pissed."

"Imightbepregnant,"  Mina said really fast.

"Woah, slow down there if you're going to tell me something,"  I said.

"I might be pregnant,"  Mina whispered.  

Instantly I slammed on the breaks and looked at her.  "You and Blayke didn't use protection.  Don't you two think that it's a little too soon to be bearing children."

Mina blushed and looked down.  "Well, he doesn't know about it.  Yes, we did use a condom but I was so scared that Blayke was falling in love with Aliya so I poked a hole in our one condom.  I forgot all about it and only remembered the next day after our sex."

I sighed and rubbed my temples.  "You're going to have to tell Blayke."

Mina nodded.  "I know.  Aliya told me that I had to tell him.  Hey, look Aliya is waking up."

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