Chapter Eight

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I dodged the knife before it hit me.  Tina lunged at me but I was ready.  I twisted and kneed her in the stomach as she bashed into the wall.  A loud growl came from her as she tried to claw me.  I caught her hand and broke it.  She screamed in pain, her fangs coming out.  

"You took him from me!"  Tina yelled.  "He was mine!"  

"Tina, you have to stop,"  I said.  "I don't want to hurt you."

"Too late for that,"  Tina said, backing away.  "At least I can hurt you too."

Tina threw herself out the window and she screamed as she fell.  I ran towards the window and looked at Tina's dead body.  My door was kicked open, Alec, Blayke, Dean, Mina, and Ciana walked in. 

"What's going on in here?"  Dean asked.

I turned and looked at them.  "Tina's dead, she killed herself."

"She killed herself in your room?"  Alec asked.

"Aliya you killed Tina?"  Ciana covered her mouth.  

"No, I didn't,"  I said.  "She threw herself out the window."

"Tina was never strong enough to even break a window,"  Dean grabbed my wrist.  "You need to learn how to play nicely with others before you kill someone else."

I was thrown over his shoulder, I hit Dean's back looking at Alec, Blayke, Ciana, and Mina.  Praying for one of them to help me.  Blayke grabbed Dean's arm.

"We don't know what happened Dean,"  Blayke said.  "It might not have been Aliya.  We have to remember that Ciana was fighting with her too."

"She didn't hit me though,"  Ciana said.  "Well, she did but it felt like a butterfly landing on you."

Dean threw Blayke's hand off of him.  Blayke grabbed my hand but Alec pulled Blayke away from me.  He kept trying to get to me.  Mina just turned away from me.  Soon, I couldn't see my friends.  

I was thrown into a cell and chained up.  I looked at Dean with fear.  "Please, please, please don't do this.  You have to believe me, Dean.  I didn't kill her."

He kept quiet even though I was begging.  He spared me a glance.  "Shut up."

"Dean please,"  I sobbed.  "You know what happened to me.  I won't be able to come back from this."

Dean grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the side.  He bit down on the soft spot on my neck, forcing a claim.  I screamed loudly in pain.  Dean let go and got up, closing the cell behind him.


I had no idea how long I have been in here for, hours, minutes, days.  I lost track of the time.  I stared at the chains on my wrists.  How dare my friends to allow this to happen.  I hated them.  Everyone besides Blayke truly believed that I killed her.  Alphas and Betas would never change. Rayla whimpered in pain from betrayal.  


"No, please I just need help,"  I sobbed.

"Alpha Johnson will be down to see you soon,"  the Beta left me.

I pulled the chains and sobbed again when I realized it was pointless to try to fight.  They were going to kill me and I knew that for a fact.  So much for keeping my promise to Mom.  At least I'd be able to join her.  The cell unlocked and the Alpha walked in.  He began taking off his clothing one piece at a time.  I screamed loudly, knowing what he was going to do.  

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