Chapter Seven

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We rushed off of the territory. Alec was driving the Fire Bird at mind-blowing speeds. I filled them in on the story which only made the beta pick up the speed. Blayke's jaw was tense as he sat in the back. I was worried myself. Rayla was whimpering in fear which made my heart ache. I saw him, his large black wolf was racing through the forest. Alec was driving to fast to be able to stop in time and still be able to catch him. I heard Blayke's door open and he jumped out of the car, landing on top of Dean and rolling down the hill. Alec slammed on the breaks when we slowed down more. I got out of the car and so did Alec.

Blayke and Dean were fighting. I grabbed Blayke while Alec grabbed Dean. I pulled Blayke back with all of my power. Alec had a firm grip on Dean but he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer. Once Blayke relaxed I let him go and helped Alec with Dean. He shifted into his human form and got me and Alec off. Dean pounced on me, I fell to the ground and felt teeth in the crook of my neck. I shoved him off of me before he could bite down.


Dean stopped and growled at him. "Why would you do that? We know for a fact she'll reject me if I don't."

"You can't just force a mark on her either!" Alec growled back. "If you do get rejected then you can get her back. It usually happens, Dean! Force marking your mate is something that is rare and pathetic. Now go get your bare ass in the car! We're going home."

Dean shifted and ran to the car like he was told. Blayke gripped my hand with his teeth and he helped me up. I patted his head to show him my gratitude. Alec looked at me with concern but I didn't keep eye contact with either of the boys. I was just saved from being forcefully claimed by a Beta. I needed to train, I was getting weak, pathetic. I walked up the hill, feeling defeated. If the Alpha and Beta were ever going to try to come after me it'd be like taking a walk in the park to kill me.

Don't think like that Aliya. We've been starving. We'll train, we'll become our full potential like we were when we were younger.

Rayla kept trying to cheer me up and motivate me. It was working but very slowly. I got in the back because Dean was in the front. Two wolves in the back would be bad, too little room to move. Alec and Blayke got in right after. Instead of going home Alec drove forward.

"Where are we going?" I asked Alec.

"Get food for Dean," Alec answered. "Ciana probably ate all the bacon. Yours included."

"Damn," I sighed.

"You really like bacon huh?" Alec asked.

I shrugged. "It's bacon, isn't it?"

Alec laughed and I smiled, knowing that I proved my point. Bacon was the best part of the day. The car turned around and Alec started driving back to the pack. I was confused. Shit! We left Mina and Ciana alone with blonde. I forgot her name, that was back. I think Blayke realized it too because was pacing around the back.

We got back to the pack house and everything was trashed. I ran to the kitchen and saw Ciana punching the blonde. I grabbed Ciana, pulling her off of the blonde girl. Ciana kicked and clawed at me. Alec ran into the room and took Ciana from my arms.

"Tina, you played with fire," Blayke sighed.

That's what her name was. I looked at her to see if there was anything that couldn't heal on its own. When there was nothing I just scoffed and walked away. I walked past Dean and ran upstairs to my room. Rayla wanted to go for a run with Mina and Ciana. That didn't sound like a bad idea. Just the three of us, girl time, away from mates. We were used to a free lifestyle on doing whatever we wanted, not being on a harness by boys. I knew for a fact that I wasn't and that I might never get used to it again. I sighed forgetting about the past and went to go find Ciana and Mina.

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