Chapter Twenty

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I felt dizzy and tired after Dean marked me, my bones felt like mush. Dean smirked and licked the new mark on my neck causing me to shiver. His cocky smirk told me that he was waiting for me to do that for a long while. I couldn't lift my hand, I couldn't move at all. Dean bent down to my ear.

"Can't move?" Dean asked.

"No," I whimpered, barely hearing my own voice as I spoke.

Dean just chuckled and took me into his arms. I snuggled myself as close as possible to him. He opened the cell, oh my lord Ciana didn't lock it. I had to keep in mind that if there was ever a real prisoner down here to never allow Ciana to close the cell, or allow her down here in general. Dean got me out of the prison and up to his room. I was glad that he was bringing me to his room, I didn't want to sleep alone. He laid me down on the bed and took off my shirt and jeans. I couldn't do anything about it though, I couldn't raise my voice above a whisper. He put on of his shirts on me, turning off the bedroom lights, opening the window and climbing into bed with me. He pulled my back to his chest as close as he could and nuzzled my mark.

"I'm so glad I get to call you mine after years and years of waiting when I knew you were out there," Dean admitted. "I should've gone for you when I had the chance. I thought that you were the Beta's daughter or something like that with the strong connection you had with your parents. I didn't believe that they would've done stuff like that to me when they had a daughter."

Why was Dean still opening up to me about what happened? I thought all of that was in the past and forgotten about. I let out a small whimper to get Dean to stop talking about it. He clearly understood what I meant because he just sighed and held me close to him. I loved how amazing it felt to finally be protected in my mate's arms. I felt safe and secure. Rayla was still prancing around with joy that I was finally properly marked. I wondered how Ashur felt about being marked and Dean marking me. The heat didn't affect me as much as it did before because Dean and I were going through heat for years now. There was a knock on the door. Dean growled in annoyance and got up to answer the door. Aurora and Faith stood there.

"Faith is scared of sleeping in her own room," Aurora said. "What do I do?"

Dean sighed. "Faith, go sit on the couch, you're free to do what you want as long as you don't leave the house."

"What would you be happy with me doing sir?" Faith asked.

"I don't care what you do," Dean answered, calmly. "Go knock on the two doors at both ends of the hall and ask for Ciana and Mina to hang out with you. Aurora can go as well."

"Come on, Faith," Aurora said, looking at me. "How are you feeling?"

I sat up slowly and shakily. "I'm doing a little better. I'm getting there, slowly but surely. How are Blayke and Mina?"

"Mina won't look at your brother," Aurora answered. "She is too ashamed and hurt about what Blayke said to her. She's sleeping in your old room."

"Tell Mina and Ciana that there's enough room on the bed for you four to join Dean and me."

Dean held up his hands. "I won't be a part of the girl slumber party I'm good."

I narrowed my eyes. "Where would you sleep then?"

"On the couch," Dean answered.

Ciana and Mina ran into the room and Mina jumped on Dean's back. "Why not? We're fun!"

"Just because you guys are fun doesn't mean it's going to be okay with your mates," Dean said, unfazed by Mina jumping on his back. "Since you're pregnant Aliya and Blayke are going to be way more protective and last time I checked Aliya tried to rip out my throat when she thought I was going to hurt you guys."

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